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Port Forwarding won't work through the Netduma.

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I have tried to configure my Netduma to allow ports to go to my PC and even though it's all setup right, the PC ends up failing on receiving ports when I set it up on the Netduma.


When I plug my PC into my ISP router and set the DMZ setting to my PC, all the ports are open and I can use it.

When I plug my PC into the Netduma making the DMZ settings to the Netduma and open all ports by setting the start and end range to 1-65535, and ports won't open..


ISP Router Settings

http://i.nkplier.ml/chrome_2016-03-05_14-53-57.jpg- DMZ

http://i.nkplier.ml/chrome_2016-03-05_14-54-13.jpg- DHCP list


Netduma Settings

http://i.nkplier.ml/chrome_2016-03-05_14-54-59.jpg- Portforwarding List

http://i.nkplier.ml/chrome_2016-03-05_14-55-24.jpg- Device List


When I use Netduma, port test results for ports I need and DMZ is set to point to my pc and PC is wired to the netduma.



When I use my ISP router, all ports are available and DMZ is set to point to my pc.



EDIT: Not sure if this is most up to date for Netduma either > http://i.nkplier.ml/chrome_2016-03-05_15-04-05.jpg

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Alright, worked enough on this for a few more hours and finally got it working..


However, the port forward settings are only in effect every time I reboot the router. Even clicking disable/enable does nothing until the router is rebooted.


EDIT: The router being the Netduma, not the ISP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using chrome, and now I'm having the issue again..


I'm trying to add new ports, and their ending up being failed in the Simple Port Tester.


I once again plug my router directly into my ISP's router and turn off DMZ and setup full 1-65535 ports and done a test and all ports open.


I plug my pc back to the Netduma again, set a port range of 1 - 65535, reboot both routers, and no results, even after restarting the PC.

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Changing my DHCP lease, setting port forward rules, and rebooting the router then works.


I then test and remove my port forwarding rules, and the ports still remain open even after 3 minutes.


Is that an issue with the most up to date Netduma? Having to reboot to set port forward rules?


© Netduma Software Ltd.
R1 debug version 1.03.6g running on rb-951g-2hnd .


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Did a full factory reset, without touching any other setting and went right to port forwarding.


Checked my cmd /ipconfig for my current router assigned DHCP ip, set it into port forwarding


Still nothing, didn't want to reboot again, as family members started complaining..

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Same issues on my end as well. 


Uninstalled Anti-Virus just to be sure, disabled windows firewall, rebooted pc.


Confirmed to work with my other ASUS RT-AC56R router to be sure.


Netduma is the primary router.


Ensured "Stealth Mode" was disabled in misc settings.


Unlike Nicopliers' results, I still don't get open after rebooting router.




Update #2:


It appears the port is opened internally. However, when testing externally it's showing as closed.


UPNP opened ports are showing as opened when testing externally, port forwarded ports still show closed.




Update #3


UPNP ports are showing as opened, but when adding port fowarding rules for a different port and applying, upnp opened ports become closed while still showing in the UPNP page.

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Thanks for info when I get a chance I'll look into why settings aren't being applied immediately in latest firmware, I assume it's a regression bug. Please try make to do for the time being. 

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I am not recommend to use upnp for Ps4. It only open 2 Ports for Cod (3074, and 9038 or something). Do you remember the upnp problem with FIFA 15?. I played alot COD ( AW, Ghost and BO3). The frame rate issue with Ghost go away with portforwarding. I don't why but I think upnp isn't good for Ps4. Use Dmz without Netduma or Portforwarding.

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If that is the case we may have to look into it. However, it should open the ports that it detects that it needs. If R1 is in DMZ there should be no issues with UPnP opening everything in order to achieve an open NAT.

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i prefer to use portforward, can it please be fixed.


Thanks for info when I get a chance I'll look into why settings aren't being applied immediately in latest firmware, I assume it's a regression bug. Please try make to do for the time being. 

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  • 1 month later...

Seriously considering to downgrade my Netduma for now if that is a safe thing to do.


Anytime that I need a port open, I suffer due to the Netduma always requiring me to reboot it to save ports, and that it constantly gives me two errors in the page. One when I try to adjust my new bandwidth and one right after the router reboots.


If the Netduma bricks, well I have a DD-Wrt as a spare till I ship it back for fixing.

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  • 1 month later...

All of the steps I've tried...

  1. Disable UPNP forwarding.
  2. Set PortRange on my ISP Router from 1-65535
  3. Toggle DMZ settings to forward everything to the Netduma
  4. Toggle multicast snooping, and
  5. Enable cookies.

and all the times I had to either reboot the Netduma till the settings applied, or remove and re-apply the setting, all while testing via my DD-WRT router with PortForwarding Range instantly supported it when I hit Apply.


So I'm wondering, is there still any solutions to this? As either directly connecting to my ISP router or my Netgear DD-WRT router both give me great port forwarding results and lets my friends play my games.

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