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BO3: DLC dropped on Xbox One and.....


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Figured we needed a thread to post thoughts, reviews, after action reports and to discuss.


I turned on the Xb1 just to download the patch overnight, but I have yet to turn the game on.


So, how's it playing XBox Guys?  Is it everything you worried about?  Better?  Worse?

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peeps are complaining on activisions forum that the maps aren't in general rotation like they are on ps4


that can't be right surely?


or fair for that matter!



edit:  apparently there are in normal rotation but not weighted to appear as heavilly as they did when first introduced on ps4

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Played a little this morning and yes they are on general rotation plus it has it's own section under bonus.  They played fine and did not noticed this supposed SBMM but there were not many games available so it may be different tonight

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I am on PS4 and exclusively play Domination.   Here are my comments on the maps for you to help. 


Splash - This map is very large and was completely filled with out of map glitches.  Many of these have been fixed but there are still more.  There are tons of youtube videos on the glitches.  This map may seem confusing, but it is actually a very simple layout once you get to know it.  You HAVE to hold the middle room by B flag.  


Skyjacked - This map feels even smaller than Hijacked because of the exo movements.  Now they can flank you by running on either side of the hull along with the bottom.


Rise - There are tons of routes.  The map will appear a little confusing at first.  Once you know all the routes and hallways, it is an easier map.  B Flag is tough because of all the angles.  You MUST know the various routes because they most converge into the middle and can be used for flanking.


Gauntlet - This map is pretty cool because of the various style - snow, city and jungle.   For Domination, you have direct lines between A to B to C.   You control the game from the center of the map, just stick to the center routes and avoid the outer edges.

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So I jumped on the Xbox One last night to see how it played with the new DLC installed.


I didn't play one map of the DLC all night.  I have read that the new maps were not weighted as heavily on the XB1 side, so they show up in rotation a lot less.  I can confirm this was the case for me last night.


Thunder's video last night/today said that the DLC has an "off" feature on the XB1.  Has anyone seen where it is and tried it?  I wasn't "looking" for it specifically, but I was checking a few screens to see if anything "new" popped up and didn't see it.  Plus I'm old, so there is that....


Gameplay was what I remember.  It still seems that head to head gunfights are very sporadic and I still seem to die from getting shot in the legs even though I am shooting people chest level or higher.  I got absolutely MELTED, up close, by a guy with a modded controller (or the fastest trigger finger I have seen) and a pistol on EVAC when I was running a full auto shotgun with long barrel and quickdraw.  Hit markers?!?!  Vonderhaar!!!!!!!!!


This weekend should be interesting.

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 For me the wait was just a tad too long, I've played too much and now pretty bored with the game. If I was having better matches of course I'd be more into it, so Largely due to how bad the connections are most of the time. Getting one good game where my stats are normal and a game that felt fair is maybe 1 in ten now days. Even when I do go into beast mode, at the end of the match the other teams scores are so horrible I'm not proud and can enjoy it, cause I know they were being punished. Seriously one match I went 47 and 9. I had it on elgato, so was making a cool video and editing and stuff... Took me an hour to finally notice the final scoreboard. Other guys were like 4-30, 10-20 etc... Seriously was that bad. Scrapped it... I applaud them for sticking around and letting me have so much fun that match though.


 As for the new maps, I've played the yacht one twice, I remember it from bops2. Sucks... I played the one with the snow, jungle, etc..... Didn't know the map, was pretty lost. And that's it, those two maps I've played three times. I spend more time hanging out here and watching youtube vids about the game than I do playing it now days. I got most the new weapons too, seems they nerfed the shit out of them. SMG's are now useless, and I'm glad. I've always been an AR fan. ..and lastly, for some reason, the only gun I can do any good with, is the P-06. I'm making a montage video of it showing kill after kill from ADS to drag shooting with it. I'm still not beasting with it, can go on a nice run and then suddenly game falls apart again and says nOPE!!!  You ain't gonna get a highlight vid out of this match. Seriously look like a total bad-ass with that gun, to a total idiot with no thumbs from one minute to the next, in the same match. PIngs are fine and consistent as normal, no spikes or anything goofy... Just a broken game for me.


 I can watch somebody like (edit: )  "I'mSallad"  his gameplay along with how his connection and connection of others just looks so much different for a reason I can't quite put my finger on. My games are absolute chaos, stick my head out around a barrel for split second and 6 other guys spinning a circle, high fiving each other, flipping a coin, aiming down site and nailing me dead like pro's. Looking at replays it just looks like I suck, just can't explain it...  Very odd stuff going on for me.


 SOrry I got off on a rant. Basically the new maps don't interest me and i haven't even stepped a single foot on 2 of the new 4.  Perhaps a break for a while is what I need, try again later a patch or ten. Might play some bots to learn the new maps, about it....

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I was able to download, and then delete from rotation, the new maps.  The way it should be, so advantage to Xbox on this issue as the PS variant is a fucking nightmare to delete.


Played double XP just enough this weekend to crack into the 3rd Prestige on my XB1 account and that was enough.  


The constant inconsistency of the gunfights just seem to be taking any fun from the game for me.  You have to get (5) kills to put up a UAV, and doing so leads to it getting shot down in one sweep.  Get lucky enough to call in a decent streak (lighting strike trying to chase that stupid calling card) and it whiffs.


I need BO1 Remastered to drop.  I can't play this game for another (3) years and I have next to zero confidence in Ghosts 2.   :(

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Does the game have issues?  Yes.  But i have found if i just quit reading everyone complaining about how much they dislike the game, i enjoy it much more.  That was one of the reasons i played through Advanced Warfare and enjoyed it the entire year.   With that mind frame, i've played the new maps a bit now and enjoy them all.  The game plays the same with or without the maps so i don't get why everyone throws a hissy fit and has to delete map packs.  I'd much rather have new maps and the variety it brings to the game.

I'd recommend them to anyone who wants to play for fun and not think they have to be superman; the maps aren't kryptonite - they are bring more variety. 


I don't really have a favorite in the bunch though.  Gauntlet is probably my least favorite, but i still like it.  And the game plays the way the game plays, the maps don't change that and there is no difference in skill based matchmaking, which only applies after the lobby starts anyways.  So to sum it up - good fun if anyone wants to have fun with them.  Hope all who download them enjoy them as well.

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I played last night. It seemed the same to me. Yes had some wtf moments but overall it played good. I reset the fudge out of everything after every update, maybe that helps?

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