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  • Netduma Staff

I am using one from Verizon fios. And as far as wifi broadcasting I'm not sure what that means but I can sign into the wifi and it shows that I am connected but I can't do anything on it. There is no connection.


When connected to the Wifi, can you access the dashboard from

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Like router, a Verizon fios one if you mean something else by modem then please tell me cuz I'm not sure what that is.


Let's see try this.  We know you have the Duma R1.  What is/are the name(s) and model number(s) of any gear given to you by your service provider (not including a cable box, DVR, etc).


And then


Is there anything else hooked up with the Netduma and the gear from your CATV or ISP other than your gaming consoles (like switches, powered line adapters, etc)?

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