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BO3 DLC Thread - Opinions?


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some people are saying they have changed the matchmaking again to skill based. But i don't know!. i don't see why they can't just have the matchmaking based on ping! that way people are playing with other people of the same or similar ping! surely this is the fairest way!

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some people are saying they have changed the matchmaking again to skill based. But i don't know!. i don't see why they can't just have the matchmaking based on ping! that way people are playing with other people of the same or similar ping! surely this is the fairest way!


There won't be any SBMM in the game. It'll most likely be down to those playing the update will be super sweats who play all day long - and because they play all day long, they'll be the 1st wave of people to download the patch. Once the casuals get onto their PS4 and update the game too, you'll see the lobbies re-balance.


As for lag, there will most likely be server overload with everyone trying to download the patch.

That's my theory at least. I'm most likely wrong, but they wouldn't be that stupid as to reintroduce SBMM.


I'm yet to try out the new DLC/update. I'll probably start downloading them when I get home tonight.


P.S I'm not implying that we're all super sweats for downloading the patch ASAP :)

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There won't be any SBMM in the game. It'll most likely be down to those playing the update will be super sweats who play all day long - and because they play all day long, they'll be the 1st wave of people to download the patch. Once the casuals get onto their PS4 and update the game too, you'll see the lobbies re-balance.


As for lag, there will most likely be server overload with everyone trying to download the patch.

That's my theory at least. I'm most likely wrong, but they wouldn't be that stupid as to reintroduce SBMM.


I'm yet to try out the new DLC/update. I'll probably start downloading them when I get home tonight.


P.S I'm not implying that we're all super sweats for downloading the patch ASAP :)

Unfortunately smooch is right , SBMM has been implemented and it's absolutely horrid

It was disgusting even pre-DLC release


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The connection seems to be getting worse! 


They need to stop these hot fixes as they appear to make the connection worse


Saying that with the new update/maps and double xp more people playing the servers must have had a battering, even though it should be capable to handle things


I like the new maps and the best part is that there not in a separate playlist! that's a good job by Treyarch this time 

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Hate the fucking game now


And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse,I got the season pass.All I can say is holy shit the game is way worse between the patch last night and the DLC.


I'll just give an example of 2-3 hours of gaming and what I experienced...My character would fall and die and then I would see and hear the hit markers that killed me.I was partied up with a friend and he was seeing the same thing happening,along with several other people in the lobby.


That's kind of a tough thing to try and beat or outplay...IMO


Don't know what happened,if it was the patch last night (still not sure what it was or did) or the DLC but damn it is bad,for me anyway

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being on xbox one ive not got it yet but im already unimpressed by the lack of no added guns or specialists just maps, also sbmm is deffo back and its obviousl when i play with my son who has a very low kd we get put in lobbies of very low easy mode kd player with me sitting pretty at the top of leader boards but when i play alone most of the players are of similar stats to me, so basically if you want an easy time of it befriend someone really bad at the game

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