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A humble suggestion for new game testing

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May I suggest that Netduma prioritizes which games they focus on and clearly lets the community know what they are. Since you ask for the community to make game suggestions I recommend making a short poll. Ask the community what games they most want support for. To start off just use 5 games. Then allow the community to vote on those five games. The top voted game then becomes the first game that the duma staff works on. This way its not relegated to a "free Saturday" that never seems to happen. And you are communicating with your community. And your community knows exactly what you are working on. 


When you get the game finished then move on to the second game, etc. When new AAA games come out create a new poll, etc.


Just a suggestion. I think it would be better than just people posting what games they like and never really knowing if you are working on them or not.

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My next vote is for Battlefield 1 + Infinite Warfare + CoD4 MW Remastered.


I expect that's standard though. Just getting it in early.

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Lol soon it's gonna be a year on battlefront. I have given up hope on this. We just keep hearing the same junk over and over again. It's gotten old. This is a good suggestion, maybe he will implement it on a day he has free.

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  • 1 month later...
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Guide has been written and a thread created for people to volunteer. I am waiting on legal to ensure I don't giveaway too much sensitive information, though I suspect this will be resolved this week and people can get to testing, combined with the recent NAT/game issue I was using the cloud a lot more and believe I can do this more quickly so it's looking up!

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  • 2 months later...

Guide has been written and a thread created for people to volunteer. I am waiting on legal to ensure I don't giveaway too much sensitive information, though I suspect this will be resolved this week and people can get to testing, combined with the recent NAT/game issue I was using the cloud a lot more and believe I can do this more quickly so it's looking up!

Has anything been done further about this?

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Yes guides were given to people, have had some feedback though not much. We're in the process of redoing the whole testing games job as it's definitely not been done well enough so should hopefully see old games supported & new games supported very soon.

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