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Last night.....


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Played BO3 last night, and what an enjoyable experience! And I don't get to say that very often :).

I got put into a dedi which seemed to be in Southern Germany, ping was around 60ms and the game(s) were smooth as a badgers bum :)


I was in the top 3 almost every game, and was positive in nearly every one, believe me that never happens,

Still had a few wtf moments, but on the whole it's was very good


The only downside was nearly every game was on Combine, I like the map, but after 2 hours it was getting BORING :)

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Combine is the new Nuketown. Once the latter hits regular map "rotation", we'll forget what the other eleven or so maps look like.

I really don't understand how come there is no block option for a map yet.

Yup it's the new Nuketown,Dome,strikezone or unearthed,just the next small map on the next game.But it is fun to run shotty on it.

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I have been saying for a couple of weeks now that the game has been playing much better for me.  


In November I was camping Illinois on the PS4 and Kansas on the XB1


Now I am playing regularly on San Fran, or my new favorite part time dedi in the Las Vegas area.  That box seems to play great for me with a 32ms ping.


I expect the two time limit to drop shortly.  It's been raised by enough of the YT community and just looking at the posts here on our forum, you can tell a large portion of the player base is getting tired of running the same map over and over again.


Like Fuzzy said, I am using Combine & Fringe now as a "trial and proving ground".  If I want to start running a new weapon, or a new set-up, I try it out on either Combine or Fringe first.  Those two come up so often it's easy to compare the ability to control the map and my chosen sight lanes versus my regular go to classes.


I'm hopeful.  It's just now getting to be Christmas and when I compare this version of the game to the crap I was I was playing on release, it's leaps and bounds better.


My hope (*paws crossed*) is by the time of the first DLC drop we have settled in and are able to have "regular" sessions like we are enjoying, regardless of the box in question.

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lmao Dillinger your picture of me confused the heck out of me.


I was reading your post thinking I don't remember writing that at all. How much did I drink last night? (I didn't actually drink anything) 

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Dillinger keep it as long as you want :)


Jonny Blue is an awesome tag it must be taken surely!


Zennon, I think I'm the only version of me. I'd love a clone I'd make him do all the grindy tasks haha! Happy Xmas all!

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