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How frequently are you having to reboot?

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Not sure if it's related to the .5 update or the addition of a 2nd PS4 also playing blops3 and also wired to the Duma (dos both on same day)... but basically I find myself rebooting daily if not more... symptoms include

- 2nd PS4 never shows on the geomap

- one or both of us when playing at same time --> one or both of us bi***ing abt lag

- almost impossible to host a game party

- device manager --> NEVER ever shows solid red line in the schematic from Duma to 2nd PS4


* Rebooting the Duma never 'fixes' this

* Rebooting Duma + Modem --> 2nd PS4 now appears (different color circle)... but then either (a) the 1st PS4 doesn't appear, or (B) an hour or so later, the 2nd PS4 disappears again. lol

* None of the other symptoms are 'fixed'


This is a daily ritual of us getting on the game and rebooting etc. and so at this point I have to ask... am I the only one going through this? Would command-F5 as was done for the update do anything else? (Only thing I can think of that I haven't done yet). What other things can I check?


(Assume setup per wiki was followed accordingly.)


Thanks as always!



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I intentionally reboot my modem, routers including my R1 every second day.



Just a note for Uk users reading this ,do not reboot your modem unless you really must as the DLM in our fibre cabinets sees this as a line drop and it will place interleaving on the line unless you leave it off for over half an hour so the DLM sees it as a normal shut down.


Interleaving = error correction that can be anything from 8ms added to 28ms on top of your base ping.

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Just a note for Uk users reading this ,do not reboot your modem unless you really must as the DLM in our fibre cabinets sees this as a line drop and it will place interleaving on the line unless you leave it off for over half an hour so the DLM sees it as a normal shut down.


Interleaving = error correction that can be anything from 8ms added to 28ms on top of your base ping.

Just to add, I'm not in the UK. So read what Zennon has posted carefully if you do or have a DSL connection.
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