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Not getting the speed that I paid for from my ISP

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Hey has anyone else had this problem I am not getting the speed that I pay for from my ISP

I paid for 100 down & 10 up when I do a speed test I only get half 50 down 10 up I have read everything that I could possibly find on this form and it still will not give me or even close to what I paid for help please anyone

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Damn. I had that problem and turbo worked for me. Sorry man. Assuming you have all ur congestion control reset defaulted and share enabled then the only other thing in found that throttled the bandwidth was deep packet processing but assuming u allready turned that off.

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Yes on the latest firmware update

I do not use Wi-Fi for testing wired only

deep packet I have tried both ways on and off

And I have all other devices off/block when I am gaming

For some reason the last four days I was playing call of duty 3 I was in there raping some of the best game I've ever had with the net Duma

I miss those4 days I want it back LOL

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Go to Congestion Control and make sure sliders are both at 100% also make sure Reactive Algorithm is set.

Go to Settings > WAN & LAN and turn off IPv6

Go to Settings > Miscellaneous untick Link Local IPv6, untick Deep Packet Processing


If this fails:

Turn off your ISP provided modem/router and the Netduma R1 together leave it off for 3-5 minutes then turn both on together.


Hopefully they sync correctly and you get your speed.

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What Zennon says works as long as you don't move any devices after resetting distribution (with turbo mode on). If you move any devices toward having more priority after resetting distribution with turbo mode enabled your bandwidth will be at least halved. My duma severs it a bit more for some reason. I go from 175/12 to 13/4 after moving any device on the tree and updating after a fresh reset distribution. It may be different for you, but what happens to you OP, looks similar.


Fraser said he or Iain would let us know the logic of why adjusting device priority cripples the bandwidth with turbo mode , so I'm sure we'll hear from them soon meow.

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