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Upload and download speeds very low

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Hi liveandletdie34 ;)


Could you just check if the Download & Upload speed you input are still the same, click on the left tab Device Manager> Edit on the gui (


Also, click on the Congestion Control (CC) tab and check see if both Down/Upload bars are both 100% and then below on Device Prioitisation click on Reset Distribution and then on Update Distribution, after this press F5 and give it a refresh or two.


Finally, click on the Settings tab then Miscellaneous and make sure Deep Packet Processing is unticked, check Turbo mode & Cookies are ticked. Scroll down now until you see Reboot Router.

Always use this way to reboot if you don't already as this will make sure the settings you chose will apply permanently, rebooting from the mains has a chance of resetting everything you changed.

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  • Netduma Staff

I sorted it I just reset and done it all again will see if it changes tomorrow. There is one more thing you can help me with is it allways a larger ring to what host I am connected to


The larger circle represents the host. If all the circles are large then it means you are host.

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