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Cannot View Other Router Interface

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As per the topic above.


Clicking on the blue button doesn't take me to the other router interface, which in turn doesn't allow me to have an Open NAT.


My setup as follows: Alcatel Lucent ONT I-240G-D > Netduma R1 > PC


Is it normal that the Netduma detects my ONT as a router?

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Hey could you try accessing its interface from please. 


If you can't access it then I would recommend going to settings > miscellaneous and enable UPnP forwarding 


Hey Fraser,


Tried to no avail.


Clicking on view other router interface opens up a new page with this ip but doesn't load anything.


Enabling UPnP forwarding doesn't help either. :(


Edit: I'm starting to feel it might just be the model of the router that's preventing me from even accessing it.

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  • 1 month later...

good day.

bringing up the post, because I have the same problem since day 1. It isn't that important so I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.


View other routers interface (blue button) won't take me to my TP-Link's home page.

My WAN IP is

My setup is : Wall-->TP Link (>R1 (DMZ and -->PS4 (

If I want to visit TP Link's home page, I have to unplug the Lan cable from R1, plug it in TP Link and hit

I'd appreciate any help.

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  • Administrators

Greco you need to change the LAN IP of the TP link. It cannot be 192.168.88.x it has to be anything other than 88. I'd suggest changing the TP-Links LAN settings to be Then you will have no problems :)

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No don't change your subnet.


A router must route between two networks or things get very confused.


Set the other router to with subnet

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