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Since Duma update

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Ok just an update.

My set up has always been... Internet-Netgear-Duma-PS4

So since I was having these connection issues I'd thought I try


To cut out the netgear to see if that's where the problem was. Unfortunately halfway setting the WAN up I realised I couldn't remember isp password so scrapped that idea and went back to my original set up of


And now everything works fine like there was never a problem.

I had already tried rebooting various times when problem 1st occurred and it didn't help so god knows what the difference any of the above made.

All good now anyway (fingers crossed)

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Just a tip, if you have NAT issues just unplug your modem for a bit.


Unplug your router for a bit as well.


Then plug in your modem and wait for all the lights to come on.


Once the modem is up and runnging then plug in your router and connect it to the modem.


You now should have the system refreshed, now just turn on the main console you want to play with.


You should have open NAT now.

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Sometimes just unplugging everything in your network,modem other router,duma etc resets and fixes the issues.I do this about once a week just to keep things flushed.

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Hi all. So I've been on BO3 for a few hours now since the Duma update and every time I need to start/join a psn chat party or start/join a game party for friends before we go into a match, I have to disable the geo for the PS4 just so we can party up. Then enable just before we look for a match. Never had to do this before the update. Was this an intentional part of the update or something that was overlooked? It's not too much of a problem at this very moment in time but it might be around Xmas time. I've got my son his own PS4 for Xmas. If this constant disable/enabling of the geo is still present when we are both online, possibly in different lobbies with different friends, is he going to be shouting down at me to disable/enable his geo etc.


On a different not. Again since the Duma update. I've lost a hell of a lot of download/upload speed (around 100+mbs down and 15mbs up) when doing a speed test through the Duma. (My speeds are normal and as expected if I test through my netgear). I've been through the wiki pages and checked everything in there for max speeds etc. I'm sure the speed issue must be something I've overlooked but at the moment it's not standing out to me.


My current set up is fibre-netgear-Duma-PS4. This has always been my set up and speed tests prior to the latest update was 150+ down and 20+ up.


On my next day off I'll have to start from scratch and go through it bit by bit. ill factory reset the Duma and start again.

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  • Netduma Staff

Have you got IPv6 disabled in LAN, WAN and Miscellaneous? Have you got DPP disabled and turbo mode enabled? Also have you got the reactive algorithm set, pressed reset distribution and update on the device prioritisation and got the sliders at 100%?


For the party issue, do you see any padlocks/triangles when joining the party? Have you added your friends to your allow list?

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Device prioritization used to only affect upload now It affects uploads and downloads.

Lots of people are forgetting this and it's affecting their speedtest.Just make sure you reset your device prioritization before you run a speedtest.

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USER ERROR USER ERROR...............Thanks everyone for your help especially Crossy. Checked everything in your reply and all that was as you said, except for the device prioritisation. It looks like I've been looking at this section Inside out Back to front AND Upside Down. I was thinking that by dragging my PS4 away from the center and therefore giving it a higher value number that I was giving the PS4 a greater share of the available bandwidth. (It seams not) As this in fact was then returning a 5mbs down on the speed test. Once I reset the device distribution and the PS4 was showing back in the center of the chart (now showing a lower number value) I then returned a down speed of 170mbs which is what I would be expecting. Totally my error for assuming the higher the number was giving the PS4 more bandwidth.



As for the connecting with friends issue. "Have you added your friends to your allow list?" .........I CAN ADD FRIENDS TOO MY ALLOW LIST! was my response upon reading that from Crossy. I did not know this or even how to do this until searching for it on the forum. Cheers. Already now added 1 and will get the others added ASAP. Another great feature of the Duma I seem to be coming across daily.


Thanks. Carl.

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Dragging the ps4 slider to a higher number does give it more bandwidth. However if u then run a speed test on another device you will get a throttled result as the netduma will be doing its job dividing up your bandwidth. In fact, even if you run a speed test from the ps4 browser you will get throttled result unless u set it at 100% as the router is reserving some bandwidth for the other devices. before any speed test u should reset all congestion control on the duma.

Bookmark the congestion control and the host filtering pages in the ps4 browser then you can turn on off and adjust as nessesary for gaming sessions directly from the ps4.

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