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Bo3 unplayable. Frame issues and severe lag?


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Nah, it's running good for me too for the most part. Even my accuracy stats are 5-10% better than previous cods.

Now if only I could string some long killstreaks together.

Stay with it mate and that combat focus specialists is awesome to use when capping enemy flags,instead of the 200 capture points it doubles it to 400 get a cap kill and you are laughing mate streaks everywhere

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Stay with it mate and that combat focus specialists is awesome to use when capping enemy flags,instead of the 200 capture points it doubles it to 400 get a cap kill and you are laughing mate streaks everywhere

Top tip cheers, just need 1 more kill with the Lightning gun thing for 100 kills with it then I'll give it a try

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What if it's not lag comp. Could weapon variants/attachments and perks have more to do with the bad game play? That's why I like hardcore.


Uh... Hardcore allows weapon variants and attachments, too?


But to answer your general question... No. This is not Advanced Crapfare where you gamble and/or P2W to get a more powerful weapon than your opponents. All the weapon variations are available to everybody. All HK-44's shoot at the same rate, have the same recoil, etc. Even with grip, stock, etc. Plus, the biggest difference is BO3's engine doesn't have horrendous input latency like the previous title. This was the cause for a lot of the crap going on in the on top of bad connections.

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Running spot on here on a great gaming ISP :)


Don't use cable if you want to have smooth gaming, use fibre or adsl with an ISP that does not over subscribe and doesn't use packet queuing.


unfortunately there is no other choice for high speed other than cable in my area. DSL is like 3mbps down here! no way i am paying for that.

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It's one thing to not like the game play, but I am sure you've tried everything in your power to make the game playable for you and/or your son, correct?


The Netduma does it's job, but for BO3... Until the update... You have to work with it. Since you are in NC, I'm guessing the closest dedicated server might be either Florida, or Missouri? Put your home location over a dedicated server and see if that changes you / your son's in-game experience?


One thing that helped me across the board was getting faster internet. I know games don't require much upload, but I first had 16/0.1 up. I now have 30/5.9up (for streaming), but I have noticed having faster upload improved the experience for me since I had what amounts to almost zero in the grand scheme of things. If you have something like 50/20up, then this is why you need to work with the Netduma until the update is released as well.


no, atlanta is the closest and where my ISP picks up the backbone at... only 9ms ping to there. still plays like ass. i get NYC servers sometimes... 3arc honestly cant make a MP to save their ass and never has that is playable. i am done with them... IW plays phenomenally. its like sanity vs insanity. one company gets it completely right and the other gets it completely wrong. i have had 100mb service but wasnt worth it. i still have 60mb service now... i have played since internet was much slower than it is now with far less people having it as well. this next update wont make a difference for me... and dont get me wrong, i am no blaming netduma for 3arcs poor MP experience. its why i didnt buy it and why i wont bother playing it [that and the game is cheesy stupid as shit... im too old for such gimmicks]


and no, there is absolutely nothing else i can do, all my game systems are hard wired, i have optimized everything possible on my nework. i have had technicians check my lines when i see something wrong with them [and i do catch things wrong with the service from them and they fix it]... i even recently had a new drop run to my house from my ISP. there is absolutely nothing in the world that i can do to optimize my gaming experience that i havent already done or tried.


 i am actually having more fun with my popcorn watching this all unfold... this time is isnt me raging.

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I don't know what your speeds are but I had to throttle my connection to be able to play this game, now it plays pretty good. Bufferbloat was the cause. If you feel a second or so behind you may have the same issue.

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I don't know what your speeds are but I had to throttle my connection to be able to play this game, now it plays pretty good. Bufferbloat was the cause. If you feel a second or so behind you may have the same issue.

Hey secretface, bufferbloat only happens when you connection is maxed out downloading, so using congestion control will stop the bloat if someone is streaming on your line for sure but if the line is clear and only you are on it, gaming will not itself produce bufferbloat.


Thats why when you all test with congestion control sliders moved down its leaving headroom not to bloat, do i use cc when we are not downloading yeah as you never know when your phone or pc/laptop will download and update etc.

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I have found this discussion interesting and would like to add my observations:


At launch it was terrible, getting kills with the lag was an exercise in futility.


Things have slowly improved, but here is the rub, good lag is time sensitive. If I go on earlier in the day I play better because there is no "jitter" or "frame skip". Latter in the day (when kids start to get home from school) problem starts and good ping games are hard to find. My contention, not to overstate the obvious, the servers start to get overloaded.


The second thing that seems to happen is "team balancing" goes out the window. As an example, one game had a team with all players 30 or above, including two prestige; the other had one player was in the 20's the balance were in teens and a couple below 10. Within in four minutes we were down 26 to 6.


Now. If you stay in the game it is a slaughter, however if you leave your stats are adversely affected- if stats are important to you - you're screwed either way.


My concern is that if 3arc doesn't address these concerns they will suffer the same backlash that AW has. I love the game and have faith it will get better.



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i think as you see all those kids get online, they are connecting through their parents wifi because daddy doesnt know how to run a Cat6 cable to little johnnys room and their house was never wired for it... now you have 10 kids in a lobby of 12 running off wifi which is known to drop packets like crazy.

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I have found this discussion interesting and would like to add my observations:


At launch it was terrible, getting kills with the lag was an exercise in futility.


Things have slowly improved, but here is the rub, good lag is time sensitive. If I go on earlier in the day I play better because there is no "jitter" or "frame skip". Latter in the day (when kids start to get home from school) problem starts and good ping games are hard to find. My contention, not to overstate the obvious, the servers start to get overloaded.


The second thing that seems to happen is "team balancing" goes out the window. As an example, one game had a team with all players 30 or above, including two prestige; the other had one player was in the 20's the balance were in teens and a couple below 10. Within in four minutes we were down 26 to 6.


Now. If you stay in the game it is a slaughter, however if you leave your stats are adversely affected- if stats are important to you - you're screwed either way.


My concern is that if 3arc doesn't address these concerns they will suffer the same backlash that AW has. I love the game and have faith it will get better.




In actuality, BO3 does not have SBMM because of the fact you saw ALL skill levels facing one another even if it is a slaughter. This is how it should be, IMO because then you are forced to play smarter / improve as you rank up. 


Everybody hated AW -- aside from the game play -- Because SBMM was in full-force and kept the game from becoming an enjoyable experience for many... Including low-level players who wanted to improve as well, but they couldn't because SBMM kept pairing them with players like themselves. Higher skilled players hated the fact every match was like the MLG CoD Championship. There was no middle-ground and this is why I'll take no SBMM in BO3 and whatever comes with it, good or bad, over the retarded forced parity Sludge Hammer games forced upon everybody just to make sure Johnny No-Thumbs could play.



i think as you see all those kids get online, they are connecting through their parents wifi because daddy doesnt know how to run a Cat6 cable to little johnnys room and their house was never wired for it... now you have 10 kids in a lobby of 12 running off wifi which is known to drop packets like crazy.


The servers were HORRIBLE last night. I mean, horrible! I had three disconnects, two host migrations and a lobby full of two bar yellow and even one bar red players. It was an awful stream last night :(


This correlates to everybody's theory about the servers being overloaded at peak hours because this was the first time I played (and streamed) at night. Never again. I don't even know if it's a server hardware problem, routing problem, etc? It is definitely a MM problem since players with shitty connections should not even be allowed to play to begin with. I know they could easily prevent people with below a certain ping / bandwidth to even get online, but that would cost them potential profits and that's all Activision cares about.


On the flip side, the PC version of BO3 played the way it should last night when I switched from XB1 to PC to do a multistream with some partnered streamers. So, it's something with the console servers, network, hardware, etc. themselves since PC played fairly well.

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JC I think you misunderstood my point; early on 3arch was clear there would be no skill based leveling, however they did state that there would be team based skill balancing.  From my experience this is not working well.


Now having said that I must say that this afternoon I had a couple of good games, then between 2:30 and 4:00Pm the were three "migrating servers" which resulted in lost connections, there was one game where we got a message that connection disconnected (it wasn't) and two games that just took us out with lost connection.  Then after 4:00 the lag, jitters and lost frames started again.


This is crazy and I really hope they fix this which given time I believe they will - I know the cynic in you doesn't believe, but have some faith and for once try to be positive; you know the "power of positive thinking" can work miracles.




PS I am hardwired but had to move my whole system into another room and set up a gaming station to do it since my condo had concrete walls and we can't rewire, I suspect there are many more with that problem as well.

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JC I think you misunderstood my point; early on 3arch was clear there would be no skill based leveling, however they did state that there would be team based skill balancing.  From my experience this is not working well.


What you have to remember is 9 times out of 10, kids are playing in parties. It's easy to spot with their clan tags. So, while the game tries to balance out the skill levels on each team, it's damn near impossible with teams because I know for a fact... Having streamed last night in a party where I was level 20, and everybody was new to the game (Level 1, 2)... It kept us all together on the same side 90% of the time. That's not skill balancing at all.


So, it is what it is. I also think BO3 is just a better game overall in terms of balance itself, too. AW had so much BS from the weapon variants to other things, the game just did not feel balanced anyway you sliced it, IMO.


15 minutes or more to get into a room that'll actually start a match. Migrating almost every game. Ping bouncing from 50 to 200 all game long. This game blows.


If you're on XB1, this is most likely because PS4 outsold XB1 2:1. That is not just Sony PR. If you look at the Geofilter map on the Netduma, there are about twice as many P2P and Server circles... I'm positive Sony has a few MS does not because they don't show up when XB1 Geofiltering is active... Compared to XB1. So, host migrations a.k.a. when a player rage quits or has to go and do their homework will be more common on the platform with less players. The irony is dedicated servers are supposed to take up the slack, but it's no secret a majority of games are P2P due to the limited number of servers on either platform.

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Can't play with friends at all. Instant deaths, sponge bullets, etc....

Playing solo is definitely much better.

Same experience for me. I get on 30ms ping games solo (good for me) and usually 60ms+ ping with only one friend. I truly believe it's the game. 

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You have to consider where your friend(s) are in relation to whatever server you are placed on, too.


I think I said this in another thread (if not this one), I have two friends who along with me span the entire continental U.S., coast to coast. So, when we are in a party I am pretty sure it tries to put us on the Seattle server since she always starts the party and we join (from KC and NYC). The game is still playable at 60ms (if that) considering this is what most people -- relative to all things being equal and optimized -- are used to since the majority of people don't even know what ping (latency) is and just accept it, right or wrong.


I was in a game not just 15 minutes ago and player latency was all over the place ranging from 294ms to 49ms, and the game played fine except for the camping snipers who just hang back at their spawn and snipe you as you rotate around. I know a game with players with triple-digit latency is not "fine", but none of them seemed to care or even acknowledge it except for one other player who asked the players with high pings to leave. I almost jumped in, but said, it's not worth it because I was doing fine and ended up coming in second place of the entire lobby.

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Same experience for me. I get on 30ms ping games solo (good for me) and usually 60ms+ ping with only one friend. I truly believe it's the game. 


I hope  patch 1.03  (live now PS4) will resolve this. This game has potential.

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