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NAT Type

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If your stuck on mod or stick NAT,follow the guide and HARD RESET your console and if you enable unpin in misc reboot the duma but I reboot everything in my network.


Sometime people do the steps in the wiki but forget to reboot everything and that makes all the difference on weather the changes work or not.

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I reboot both my routers and the PS4 and it's an open NAT now.


Can someone tell me what a hard reset on the console is?


Hold the button down until it turns off.


Also, how do I get put on a dedi server well outside of the GEO filter and PA set to 0.00ms? Strict mode on as well.


This may be anti-cheat in play, check http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=adding_friends_to_your_allow_list

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