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Still really high ping...

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Hello. I just got my Netduma today. I have everything set up and I can see the potential this router has except when Im trying to play Call of Duty and my wife starts watching Netflix or Hulu or YouTube my ping goes from about 20-50ms to 600-1000ms. I have the anti flood set up at 70% on the upload and download and 100% prioritization set for the upload on my PS4. The only way my ping stays low is if my PS4 is the only thing using the internet. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Macandjacks, welcome to the forum :)

What are your upload and download speeds when you test through speedtest.net with then sliders at 100%? Have you entered these into the congestion control page - it is important those numbers are accurate.

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Guys make sure like Crossy says that you have the correct bandwidth from speed tests set up then try the reactive algorithm.


I have team viewered a few members having this same issue and it was resolved with reactive.

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Hello. I just got my Netduma today. I have everything set up and I can see the potential this router has except when Im trying to play Call of Duty and my wife starts watching Netflix or Hulu or YouTube my ping goes from about 20-50ms to 600-1000ms. I have the anti flood set up at 70% on the upload and download and 100% prioritization set for the upload on my PS4. The only way my ping stays low is if my PS4 is the only thing using the internet. Any help would be appreciated.



Hi Macandjacks, welcome to the forum :)


What are your upload and download speeds when you test through speedtest.net with then sliders at 100%? Have you entered these into the congestion control page - it is important those numbers are accurate.


I thought I had the same issue when I first got my duma aswell. You do need the correct speeds for this to work, and it all depends on what you are doing at the time aswell. For me, I only have a like a 25down/1.5up. So when I'm just gaming for shits and gigs ill set me cc usually at 75% on both (Works the best for my speeds I think) Now, if you are live streaming or watching watever else while you are playing, because of my speeds I set my CC to 90% on both sliders and give my xBox 90% prioritization (NO MATTER WHAT if you have crap speeds like mine, I have my xbox set to this.) and then I try to use the other 10% for my streaming laptop/computer.  


Again this all depends on what you are doing with your bandwidth... We are all here to help, but honestly the best thing to do is play with it and see what works best for you.. 


Hope that helps and welcome to the party!


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I did a speed test last night with my laptop wired directly to the R1 and both CC sliders at 100%. The test read 12 down and 6 up. I'm paying for 30 down and 5 up.

Do you have preemptive or reactive selected? Also is deep packet processing checked under settings>miscellaneous?
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