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Modem/>> Netduma >> Nighthawk setup help

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i too have owned a nighthawk and my setup was how Buck mentioned.  Less you tinker with settings, you'll have less issues.  Life is simple, only you as a person make it complicated.  :D   I must admit though, at one point I swapped it where my R1 was after my nighthawk because my internet connect is faster than what the R1 was capable of handling at one point.  But being that I'm one of those Beta testers, I am able to switch it back to original configurations.

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Maybe reboot everything?



Don't know if it makes a difference, but I unhooked/unplugged everything first. 


Took my PS3 and PS4 wired connections and moved them to the R1. 


Then modem/router>R1>Nighthawk


Then I turned off the wifi on the R1, then put the Nighthawk into AP mode.


Your wireless connection will still come from your Nighthawk. So whatever you named your wireless connection through your Nighthawk, make sure your using that.


On a side note, when I turned off the wifi on the R1, it was still in my wireless list for some reason. I guess it needed to be refreshed to be removed. Also, I already had my NH up and running before I got the R1 so if your just adding the R1, you shouldn't have any problems.

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