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fuzzy clam

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...has been playing like a dream the last 2 days for me.I hated this game when it was out as I didn't have the duma and was always behind the action.And have played it before with the duma and it played really smooth but for some reason the last 2 days have been fantastic.And I'm not gonna lie,I'm loving it at the moment... :D


I know procreate plays it a lot with really good results,I"d say give it a try for a change of pace.

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I always liked ghosts from the release and I've given BO2 several tries and it's not that it doesn't play smooth,I just don't like the game.Which is why I'm more than likely not gonna like BO3,but yes I still ordered it and will play it.As I've said before it makes no sense that a 4 plus year old game with 30 percent of the player base runs better than the current game out... :huh:


And I do like the way BO plays with the duma also,just kind of hard to get off MW3 right now.But I'm gonna give BO a run this weekend if I get a chance,it's been a few months since I played it but last time I did it was really fun.

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It's really because IW actually works on the game post launch tweaking the connection. 3arc doesn't. MW3 when it first came out was awful but by Xmas they had it working pretty well. BO/BO2 never were fixed and have horrible hit detection and lag because of it. The in game delay is over 1/4 of a second and a third of your bullets are fakes. Ghosts is probably the best CoD ever released for connection though. MW3 scheme has it's faults still but pro tip is load down your net to play it.


Really not sure what is happening with the franchise though. Not interested in the fiasco that was AW and not interested in BO3 either. I think CoD is dying and it's past point of no return which is why they are now throwing shit at the wall hoping for something but end up only stinking. It's like some virus has infected developers making them stupid all trying to make the same exact game rather than making their own unique experience based off their strengths. I mentioned this yesterday but it's ironic that the faster our collective connections become the worse in-game lag has become.


And the 15k online is far less than 30% of the original player base. MW3 in its prime had 600k+ players online most any time of the day.

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It's really because IW actually works on the game post launch tweaking the connection. 3arc doesn't. MW3 when it first came out was awful but by Xmas they had it working pretty well. BO/BO2 never were fixed and have horrible hit detection and lag because of it. The in game delay is over 1/4 of a second and a third of your bullets are fakes. Ghosts is probably the best CoD ever released for connection though. MW3 scheme has it's faults still but pro tip is load down your net to play it.


Really not sure what is happening with the franchise though. Not interested in the fiasco that was AW and not interested in BO3 either. I think CoD is dying and it's past point of no return which is why they are now throwing shit at the wall hoping for something but end up only stinking. It's like some virus has infected developers making them stupid all trying to make the same exact game rather than making their own unique experience based off their strengths. I mentioned this yesterday but it's ironic that the faster our collective connections become the worse in-game lag has become.


And the 15k online is far less than 30% of the original player base. MW3 in its prime had 600k+ players online most any time of the day.

On a positive note, all the bops play tight with great hit detection for me as do the MW's

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Just showcasing both sides of the story it plays shit for you where I and many others it plays spot on, its not the final word that it is broken for everyone.


I have seen the video's where somebody comes round a corner etc all cods / games do this.

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Yup MW3 and BO2 never ran very well for me...always behind,matrix bullets when I died and marshmallow bullets when I'm shooting someone.


But for some MW3 and BO2 has played great since launch and still does but for me it those games didn't become enjoyable until the duma came along.I still play a few games with the GF off and it all comes back how bad it ran for me during it's lifecycle and wonder how I made it through the whole year playing them.


But I think the same thing about AW,how or why did I make it through the year with all the WTF moments but the duma does ease the pain...a lot... ;)

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Just showcasing both sides of the story it plays shit for you where I and many others it plays spot on, its not the final word that it is broken for everyone.


I have seen the video's where somebody comes round a corner etc all cods / games do this.



i am talking about the broken code in the game that has built in delay. it happens in LAN and even splitscreen. it is twice as much in 3arrc titles than IW titles. like i said, if you have fun playing it thats great... but doesnt mean it isnt inherently flawed code baked into the engine. i am VERY sensitive to timing issues and can feel it very easy. i can also notice the bullet bug quite easily and it drives the OCD in me insane because it just isnt accurate... thats why it makes it difficult to play. also the hitmarker delay drives me up the wall.

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I look at like everybody playing has the same handicap of in-game delay anyhow so it is an even playing field before your latency to the host.


Have a low latency host via the duma and it plays great.


3arc for me need to sort out the out of sync hitmarker sound that makes it feel sloppy.

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