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East coast but constantly connecting to west coast?

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Like the topic says im an east coast player (florida) yet whenever i play aw it puts me on the west coast host around seattle area?

i have my geo-filter set to 900 miles ping assist to 30 ms... i get horrible pings to that host and i dont know why it puts me on that coast?... any suggestions?

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It sounds like the infamous Seattle dedicated server.  You could try with strict mode on which will prevent anyone outside of your filter circle from connecting except people who meet your ping assist value.  It is going to probably take a long time to find a game though because I believe the player population is not that high.  


Also you can try setting your ping assist to 0 and that way NO ONE will connect to you unless they are inside your filter circle.  

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that doesnt help but ive tried everything but the seattle server keep showing up. i live in alabama and its the same problem even when i move my location its seattle dedi everytime 

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yes the 0 ping works at first then i also get Seattle again and again. i might be imagining things but i wonder if this latest update is very stable. it might be remedied by just reinstalling it. i did get amazing results in the beginning but it just seemed to gradually get worse over time. 

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I love XB but I'm not gonna lie. I bought a PS4 just to avoid the Seattle dedi's in COD. On PS4 my games are played in florida right where I live. It sounds extreme but it worked. 

just tried this for myself since i have both consoles and this definately works but there has to be a better solution right?

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IMO you gotta have strict on and PA at zero if you keep connecting to a dedi that plays bad for you,not just the Seattle server but any server.


That or move your home location in between the dedi's and hope for a P2P connection game but to be honest AW is garbage and not worth the hassle to play it.

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I love XB but I'm not gonna lie. I bought a PS4 just to avoid the Seattle dedi's in COD. On PS4 my games are played in florida right where I live. It sounds extreme but it worked. 


I live near Seattle and the XBL dedi's are practically a stone's throw away.  After playing on the Seattle Black Hole, I too switched over to PS4 for the upcoming Black Ops 3 release.  


I had been an Xbox and XBL advocate for a long time, but after seeing the difference first hand in game play, I have to say RIGHT NOW that PS has my vote for a good connection in November.  I am holding onto to my pre-order for XBOne, just in case as I prefer the size of the controller, but I'm not holding my breath.

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just tried this for myself since i have both consoles and this definately works but there has to be a better solution right?


You can try putting a VERY SMALL radius around a known dedi location (for me I was able to force play on Kansas City during the Black Ops 3 Beta) but it has to be really small, Ping Assist at 0 (effectively turning that "off") and have 'STRICT' marked/checked, meaning that it is ON.  


Have all that set up and THEN turn on your system and game.


This will take a bit to get a game, but I was able to "force" a host connection in Kansas City when I live near Seattle.


However this didn't work well if I made the changes AFTER the system and game were connected.


I would say my success rate was about 60-70% of being able to force connection during the Beta if I made the settings before I went online with the system.  If I made changes, I think about 1/3 or more of my games went right to Seattle (as it should, really, but that connection doh!).

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You can try putting a VERY SMALL radius around a known dedi location (for me I was able to force play on Kansas City during the Black Ops 3 Beta) but it has to be really small, Ping Assist at 0 (effectively turning that "off") and have 'STRICT' marked/checked, meaning that it is ON.


Have all that set up and THEN turn on your system and game.


This will take a bit to get a game, but I was able to "force" a host connection in Kansas City when I live near Seattle.


However this didn't work well if I made the changes AFTER the system and game were connected.


I would say my success rate was about 60-70% of being able to force connection during the Beta if I made the settings before I went online with the system. If I made changes, I think about 1/3 or more of my games went right to Seattle (as it should, really, but that connection doh!).

Do the changes before turning on the system helps not after or during the game search or lobby surfing. That is a solid piece of advice.

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was able to avoid the seattle server but it takes atleast 20 mins to find a lobby :l 

when i finally get in that lobby it plays great tho(on xbl)


Yes, that is the downside.  It will take longer to find a game as the available host samples will be very low.  The benefit is when it does connect, it should be much better than you are used to getting.

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