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Ping, Strict or na?

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Hey yall,

So i tested my connection on 2 platforms, and 3 different games. (Xbox1- AW, Xbox360- Ghost/BO2) The best connection I had for maybe 2 or 3 games was on ghosts and we got down into the 40/50mbps ping. But for most of the time (90%) everygame was in the mid 80s.. (had a bad game lastnight tho on AW that was spiking from 150mbps to 2000mbps) But, surprisingly it wasn't a laggy game atall? just kinda weird.


Also, I tried testing on both strict and not strict.  Is there any suggestions on what else I could do to better this? I see youtube vids where people are getting what they are actually put in for their ping assist, but im not getting anywhere close, although these videos were posted months ago when AW was in its prime. So maybe im over thinking all this and its just cause the servers for the games are going to hell but anyones input on what they thinks works best im all ears! (80mbps is actually not bad atall for games in my opinion but, i know it could be better.)

Thanks for the help homies!

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What is Strict Mode?

If you enable “Strict Mode” then the Geo-Filter will filter to the maximum. This means you will only get games set within your Geo-Filter radius, but you may also experience lobby booting. If you find that you are getting lobby booted, then you can use the snap button to increase your Geo-Filter size and stop the frequency of the lobby booting.

If Strict Mode is disabled then you will be able to connect to dedicated servers which are outside of the range of your GeoFilter. You will only be able to connect to dedicated servers which are outside of the range of your GeoFilter. Player to Player hosts (P2P) will still be blocked as normal. Having strict mode disabled can help decrease the time it takes to find a game.

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Hey here are some things for you to try. 


Make sure you follow this first http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=fine_tune_netduma


Do an internet diagnostics test on the R1, this is a pure test of your line so you can see if there are any issues. It will also give you your base ping. I would recommend applying congestion control 70/70 anti flood and prioritise your console. 


Try ping assist at 0 and strict off/on and see how you go, keep in mind the anti cheat http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheat


Let us know how you get on :)

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Hey here are some things for you to try. 


Make sure you follow this first http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=fine_tune_netduma


Do an internet diagnostics test on the R1, this is a pure test of your line so you can see if there are any issues. It will also give you your base ping. I would recommend applying congestion control 70/70 anti flood and prioritise your console. 


Try ping assist at 0 and strict off/on and see how you go, keep in mind the anti cheat http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheat


Let us know how you get on :)

Awesome thank you for all the extra steps! I think i have everything set up, I know that im not going to get the "perfect" connection all the time, I Still get into games where the ping will range from 30-70mbps, but to be honest I do not notice any of the lag.. even in some of my games yesterday I had games ranging 160+ and I still didnt think it was bad atall? Beats me but I think I know how to utilize it to the tip of games I wanna play at the time! (I've been Hole Punching the Shit outta people in some AW! lol) I still dont think you can beat the hit detection, Lag or no lag.   Im just hoping I don't have to ask so many question next time when I upgrade my internet to google fiber! :)


Thank you all again for your help!  

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