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moderate NAT

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I just recently am having a moderate NAT when I load COD AW. When I received my Net Duma and set it up by your guides I had an open NAT. My router is bridged and has been since the beginning, my UPnP is ticked on in both places and has been since the beginning. I have tried all the things your online guides suggested and still no luck. Again this just recently started. My router is a Motorola SBG6580 supplied by my ISP and it is wired straight to my Net Duma R1. Also I am on PC not console. Any help would be appreciated.

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I have rebooted many times with Enable UPnP ticked (misc page) and not, but it still stays the same. Yes I am running the latest firmware and checked at the bottom of the host filtering screen. Should I have both UPnP ticked, the one in UPnP page from settings and the one in misc settings as well?

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First of all I would like to thank you for the support I have received. I can’t remember ever getting this kind of help so quick with any other product I have. OK back to my NAT problem, I have an open NAT now. I unticked the UPnP in misc. and rebooted. Problem solved, again thank you :D

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