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How do i make my netduma my main router!!!!!!

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As i may have stated along time ago i am having difficulties setting up my Netduma properly and I'm not getting what i fully want out of the router for the past month or 2 i have being using my router by having it plugged into my ISP router/modem via ethernet it has been working but i have not been getting the results and outcome that i expected, i am a competitive COD player so i know a tad bit about internet connection and it has alot to do with the ability to "MELT" aka kill the enemy opponent in a quicker time period in fact instead of melting i am getting melted unfairly too, i want to address this fact cause i need serious help with this and its kind of hard to set this beast up when you are a 15 year old boy that has no clue how to do any of this stuff i need help  ASAP i need someone to send me a video or detailed instructions or precise instructions to make my netduma my main router and have full bandwidth to my netduma. 

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Right so you have 2 options here 


You can ether put duma in to DMZ of you router or set you router in to modem mode/ bridge mode 


are you familiar with how to do any of those?

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Well this router doesnt have a Simple DMZ option or Modem mode in stead of that it has a IP passtrough which is a bit more complicated thats why i ask if you can do it as well as what to do to go to previous settings if you make some mistake?

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I am comfortable doing this but i will need some kind of screen view so you guys can assist me and some type of communication via voice like skype or something but sadly since i don't have a CPU that has an ethernet cable input/output this will have to occur "tomorrow" when i get access to a CPU that has an ethernet input/output.

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Usually the are 3 options to set your DUma router as a main router


1. Is to use just a modem and the R1

2. to put R1 in to DMZ on your exsisting router

3. When you have a combo router/modem that allows you to put it ether in Modem mode or Bridge mode


Now i have done research on yours and its seems that only option is IP passthrough.


I have not done the IP passthrough my self therefore i cant prosmise you seting it up lets wait and see if any other user had done that 

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