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Benq rl 2455hm users


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i read in a thread that some the members are using this monitor

For those of you who have used it or still use it could you possibly post your setting please

I cant find a good setting for cod aw and ive tried loads of settings 


Picture mode




Black equaliser

Colour temp settings


Hdmi rgb pc range 


Also im using it on my ps4


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Hi kinel,


I can't remember my settings off the top of my head but I will say that all settings are subjective. If there was a definitive 'best' setting then BenQ wouldn't bother giving us the option to change things up :)

I remember posting some settings up a while ago and whilst they may work for some people, they didn't for others.


My advice would be to set it up, the way you think it looks best. The room I play in has odd lighting so my settings cater for that, other people may play in a darker/cooler lit room and others may be in a warmly lit room. All these small factors may make a difference in dialling in your settings.


Also, remember to adjust the in-game brightness and contrast settings too!


I googled some settings a while back for Clinton92 and I think he had some luck with them (with a few adjustments), but I do believe it's all in the eye of the beholder!

Here are some of the settings I found for him (just remember these are recommendations, not definitive 'best' settings):


Monitor in perfect vertical position right in front of you without being tilted.

Brightness 100
Contrast 55
Sharpness 7
Gamma 5

Red 98 Yellow 93 Blue 95

Ama High
Instant mode on




Picture Mode: RTS 1

Brightness: 100 (controls backlight, depends on room lighting)
Contrast: 50
Sharpness: 1
Black eQualizer: 0
AMA: High
Instant Mode: On
Overscan: OFF
Display Mode: Full
Dynamic Contrast: 0
HDMI RGB PC Range: (0~255)
Smart Focus: Off




Picture mode: RTS 1

Brightness - 100
Contrast - 50
Sharpness - 1
Black equal - 0
Color Temp - Red- 93. Green-89. Blue-97

AMA - High
Instant mode- on




ECO setting;

Sharpness: 1
Color Temperature: R 95 G 93 B 97
AMA: High
Instant Mode: On

Picture Advanced: HDMI RGB PC Range; 0~255
















Also, if you have any Lucas Film or Pixar Blu Ray's you can run the THX Calibration on your monitor (you'll find it in the extras option on the disc usually). If you follow the step by step setup, you can calibrate your monitor to Pixar specs (theoretically).


It'll look something like this:




Anyway, I hope this helps in any way but as you can see it's pretty much different strokes for different folks!


Also, apologies for the long post!

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Omg thats a lot of serttings  thanks

Ile give all of those a try thanks a lot 

I used a calibration cd before but everything looked washed out and dull

Tbh I just wanted to see the settings are foum users are using

Thank you very very mutch for the help


Everyone here are so helpful

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See this forum post from Od1n.   A lot of people have been using his settings on various BenQ models. I am using it on my RL2460HT.


Look for Od1n's post on this thread.


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