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booted from games Advanced warfare

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So im trying to find a game on ranked play on advanced warfare(xbox one) and im constantly getting kicked from lobbies while trying to search for a game.

i normally have my geofilter set to around 1100 miles and 25 ping as my ping is around 6 and never used to have a problem,

but suddenly ive been getting annoying little problems firstly i started to get people from newyork etc in my games with alot higher than 70+( im from the uk) ping and now i have the problem of never being able to find games at all and when i do i get booted out and in of the same game constantly while searching.

ive tried with strict mode on and off and still have the same problem 

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  • Netduma Staff

thats what its doing when the booting is happening


Could you disable the 'show hosts' button and take them again because with data from two consoles on the GeoFilter there's no way to tell if that triangle belongs to red or green :)

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current ping in game, everyone in the game is red bar and lagging? literally get this alot recently.


i have 80 download 20 upload 6 ping.

playing 70-70 congestion control

bt open reach modem straight into netduma


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i always had strict mode on before but turned it off after being told that it was the cause of being kicked out of lobbies but im still getting it?

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now strict mode is back on its come up with padlocks again? is there anything for the booting out of games its only started to happen recently


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