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Internet problems follow up

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Earlier I posted about having my internet on limited at all times. We went through the steps and ended up fixing the issue. My internet worked just fine for a while and nothing was limited. Then it happened again and I just unplugged my modem and it ended up working again when I woke up. It hasn't done it anymore but now my connection on wifi will randomly drop for a few seconds.. any idea why? (Its fine when I connect to my modem but it just happens when im connected to my R1)

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Tick enable cookies in settings / misc settings.


then untick the wifi workaround then reboot the net duma from settigs /misc settings page the button to reboot is halfway down that page, that will solidify the settings.

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Tick enable cookies in settings / misc settings.


then untick the wifi workaround then reboot the net duma from settigs /misc settings page the button to reboot is halfway down that page, that will solidify the settings.

ive had cookies enabled to save my geo filter settings and its still not working. also I don't know if this could be linked to my problems but I did a speed test and im only getting like 10 down when usually I get 100+ (wired)

Edit: I rechecked the settings and the enable wifi walkaround disabled I guess it just took a bit of time to go through. Now its just my speeds are being weird.. I did a test on the R1 page and got Good ping, ok jitter, terrible spikes, and 8 packet loss

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ive had cookies enabled to save my geo filter settings and its still not working. also I don't know if this could be linked to my problems but I did a speed test and im only getting like 10 down when usually I get 100+ (wired)

Edit: I rechecked the settings and the enable wifi walkaround disabled I guess it just took a bit of time to go through. Now its just my speeds are being weird.. I did a test on the R1 page and got everything good besides packet loss was 10..


10 packet loss is quite high. Would you be able to try a different ethernet cable connecting the Netduma and modem or run the test at different times in the day and see if the packet loss is happening at certain times. Could you also provide a screen shot of the internet diagnostic detailed page if you get another one with packet loss :)


Can you follow this guide for the speeds :)

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10 packet loss is quite high. Would you be able to try a different ethernet cable connecting the Netduma and modem or run the test at different times in the day and see if the packet loss is happening at certain times. Could you also provide a screen shot of the internet diagnostic detailed page if you get another one with packet loss :)


Can you follow this guide for the speeds :)

I have switched out the Ethernet and now its "good" "ok" "bad" and 11 packet loss. and I use gyazo to screen shot but for some reason I cant post a link and when I put it into the pic tab it says the community doesn't accept that link lol and for speeds I did that guide the first day I got my r1

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PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=56 time=64.812 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=56 time=18.642 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=56 time=27.851 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=56 time=23.246 ms
64 bytes from seq=10 ttl=56 time=22.576 ms
64 bytes from seq=11 ttl=56 time=22.362 ms
64 bytes from seq=12 ttl=56 time=31.381 ms
64 bytes from seq=16 ttl=56 time=31.203 ms
64 bytes from seq=18 ttl=56 time=30.931 ms
64 bytes from seq=19 ttl=56 time=20.571 ms
64 bytes from seq=20 ttl=56 time=20.043 ms
64 bytes from seq=22 ttl=56 time=29.855 ms
64 bytes from seq=23 ttl=56 time=19.350 ms
64 bytes from seq=24 ttl=56 time=18.523 ms

--- ping statistics ---
25 packets transmitted, 14 packets received, 44% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 18.523/27.239/64.812 ms
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 * 15.621 ms *
2 * 24.326 ms *
3 * 35.651 ms 16.222 ms
4 24.455 ms * 24.781 ms
5 18.572 ms * 20.594 ms
6 * 18.320 ms 20.362 ms
7 20.126 ms 18.857 ms 20.162 ms
8 19.788 ms 49.519 ms 64.038 ms
9 26.661 ms 18.630 ms 19.196 ms

I have switched out the Ethernet and now its "good" "ok" "bad" and 11 packet loss. and I use gyazo to screen shot but for some reason I cant post a link and when I put it into the pic tab it says the community doesn't accept that link lol

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I honestly think its the modem that my internet company provided me. I have a modem/router in one setup so what I do is disable the router part and bridge my R1. Last night I had limited internet again. So I just unplugged my modem and went to sleep. I woke up and everything was working just fine. What I just did was unbridge my modem to my router but the router was still plugged in and receiving internet (Not sure if this works but I was just giving it a shot) so I did a internet diagnostic from the R1 homepage and received Terrible, terrible, terrible and a 25 packet loss. After that I completely disconnected the R1 from my networks and did an independent speed test from my modem/router in one and it was so slow it failed and told me to redo like 5 times and the one time it worked I got a 10 ping 5 down and it didn't do the upload it just froze. My speeds are supposed to be 120 down and 20 up. Do you guys think I should call my provider? If so any recommendations on what to say?

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Okay it does sound like an issue with your ISP hub or line. I would try the tests again plugged into it with the R1 completely disconnected and see if you get repeating results. If so I would ring them up and see what they can do. Make no mention of the R1 at all, they WILL blame it for causing any issues so focus on the tests you've done plugged into the modem and how awful it is and see what happens :)

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Okay it does sound like an issue with your ISP hub or line. I would try the tests again plugged into it with the R1 completely disconnected and see if you get repeating results. If so I would ring them up and see what they can do. Make no mention of the R1 at all, they WILL blame it for causing any issues so focus on the tests you've done plugged into the modem and how awful it is and see what happens :)

Its so bad right now that I cant even tweet without it taking 2000000 years lol I tried going on xbox and it wouldn't let me even connect to servers.. any ideas on what to say to them? last time I talked to them they were clueless on what was happening and I had to get a new modem

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They should be able to check the line and see if there are any issues. If they didn't know last time and just gave you a modem sounds like its an issue with their service rather than the modem. I would say what you're experiencing, how terribly slow etc it is. That you can provide proof if required. Say that last time they replaced the modem so its highly unlikely its that again (just give it a reboot now to ensure that) and just see what they say. 

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