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NetDuma: On Test - With NO Provided Power???


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I had tweeted this to @NetDuma previously, but I suspect Fraser isn't the only one who would be interested in this "real world test" that was thrust upon me...LOL


During the Black Ops 3 Beta, our area was hit with a massive windstorm that knocked about 225K people out of power, with me included.   :angry:


Because I believe in being a bit more prepared than the average bear, my house actually has a stand by generator, with an automated transfer switch, to keep me warm, safe and dry in just such emergencies.  When the power goes out, as happens from time to time as I live in a rural area, my generator continuously samples the line and clicks over to run my house electricity within about 6-7 seconds of a line power outage.  Here are a couple of shots.






I was playing the Beta at the time, so this put me in a really unique position to continue to play the Beta, while everyone around me was without power.  The cable TV system in my neighborhood is a radial arm feed to a single node with twin power supplies that look like this:l82RFgD.jpg

As long as one of the two power supplies was in battery back up, I would have internet.  With my generator feeding power to my house, that was all I needed to keep right on gaming. :D


I played that way for about (4) hours before the batteries in the power supplies crapped out.  Comcast, in their infinite wisdom, decided that since the entire area was without power, it wasn't worth rolling a truck to provide temp power to the node, so that is where my fun ended, sadly.   :angry:


Here is an actual screenshot from a multiplayer game that I did decent in while playing on generator power.





You can file this one away, deep in the test manuals Fraser.  The router works well on an alternate power source, for sustained usage.  Until the medium used to provide the pathway to the interwebz dies out on you. 




*sad panda*

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I remember this on Twitter, so cool, even better seeing some pictures :D 


File this under: "In Case of a Natural Disaster or a Zombie Apocolypse: Can I still Game?"


We all agreed meet at Dillinger's house during Zombie Apocalypse for an end of the world LAN event? :P 

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I remember this on Twitter, so cool, even better seeing some pictures :D



We all agreed meet at Dillinger's house during Zombie Apocalypse for an end of the world LAN event? :P

I'll bring the keg!

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