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Reasons why I will never buy anything with Duma OS.....

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OKAY FRASIER LETS SEE WHAT YOU CANT DO FOR ME ...I've owned and used the xr1000 for about 3 years, in those 3 years I've had one update in those 3 years I've had the same problems with no fixing. No updates to fix. No suggested fixes worked. Nothing works. The infrequency of updates for this terrible router is laughable. Do any quick searches on Google and you will come across all of us with the same problems that I've had for the last 3 years.....



No matter what computer, what router? What network connection? I use Chrome, Firefox, edge. The OS the GUI takes literally 4 minutes to show up.... And whenever I had apply I usually have some sort of message saying we have to wait for the rapp. Never knowing if anything was applied.


2. Various aspects of this router don't work for instance... Congestion control download 100% upload anything under 100%. My download is affected... Just to test put your upload to two megabytes and then recheck your download speed. Why is your download speed changing it shouldn't.. you know why it changes. Dumaos sucks  and you guys couldn't care less cuz we already gave you money.



Finally, after 3 years I see a listing for call of duty that doesn't say console only, doesn't work... Duma OS classified games takes control and it's clearly missing packets...

My network performance in multiple games is a thousand times better with qos off and with congestion control off...

Tell me again I why I purchase this router? 

So I cannot use the features I purchased it for? 

Great job Frazier 


3. More device manager no matter how many times I named devices, they're Mac don't change their IPs don't change and they're still all unnamed devices. I have 20 unnamed devices that I've named lol but they're just still unnamed. Nothing changes in the devices but if one goes off and on the router has no idea who it is anymore even though I already told it what to name the IP and Mac but nope unnamed devices 



Qos distribution.

It says it deals with percentages, right? So the higher number is a higher percentage, thus meaning more bandwidth? 


No matter where I set those distributions I get about 600 MB down... If I reset the distributions I get $900 down... They're all at 6. :00 I get 900 then I put my computer up higher I get less download. I put my computer at a lower number I get less download 

Make it make sense razor. 



I have three computers in my household, multiple devices and I'm honestly pretty sure the only thing that hasn't been updated is this router. 

Actually no I'm lying. There were two updates but one of them was a b******* update that didn't fix anything. 56.  First firmware Then 64 or something now 72


6. This is a $300 router 

Congestion control doesn't work 

Qos doesn't work 

Traffic distribution doesn't work 

Your GUI hardly works 

Every time I hit apply I get an error about Rapp

I've reset this firmware. I don't even know how many times factory reset software reset the reset button. Not to mention this is the second router of the xr1000 . Yeah I even tried  different hardware. The problem is your router or your Duma OS.


I've owned this router in two zip codes. Two different internet providers. Same problems, different computers same problems. 


Tell them to Update the  firmware FRASIER.

Never buying Netgear or Duma OS again. 

300 bucks for this



Oops forgot about Geo location 

Guess what else doesn't work? 

I can set the entire planet Earth for my geo location and it still won't connect to a game lololol but as soon as I turn this s*** off I'm good. 

Now I've only tried it with call of duty but that's why I bought this router. So it's not serving its intended purpose. Don't tell me try another game. That's not what you sold me. You didn't sell me a router that only works for some games.lol. 

And now you guys are sponsoring Black ops with your Duma OS. Hilarious. Got to warn them by something else. You guys don't care.

Edited by senorlasopa
So many problems that I forgot some
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Just to be clear, I provide support, I'm not a developer, you can get as agitated with me as much as you like but I assure you it does nothing to help you, me or your issues. If you would like support then I will be happy to continue to assist you, this is your first post on the forum, you may have seen topics and posts previously but until you receive directed support for your issues I feel it's hard to provide a generalisation.

If you don't want support and are instead seeing this as a challenge or a way to show us up or make you feel better then I implore you to tell me now so I can spend my time helping others that would like our support.

  1. Are you using Armor? Are you using HTTPS or HTTP to access the interface?
  2. Setting your speed tells the router the maximum bandwidth it has available, hence why the speed will then change.
  3. There has always been a workaround to allow you to filter/prioritize on PC. How are you determining it is missing packets exactly?
  4. Could you provide a video of how you're updating the names please on the Device Manager?
  5. Without a screenshot of the QoS page and a better overview of your network at the time of testing it's hard to determine what is happening there but:
    If you have Congestion Control set it will affect the speeds on those devices
    If other devices are being used at the time when testing it will affect the speeds on those devices
    If other devices require more bandwidth than their allocation then it will affect the speeds on those devices

What is the model of the modem/router the XR is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the XR? E.g. XR in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode. Are ALL devices connected to the XR? Are they connected directly or are they connected through switches, extenders, APs etc?

I agree a firmware update has taken too long, you're not wrong there.

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My issues are not fixable because I've literally tried everything over the last 3 years. Hours of time wasted.2 different hardware.  For this company to think throwing you at us on this forum is going to solve anything is hilarious bro. They need to update or throw it out completely I don't know. He's a software bug issues not misconfiguration. Why do I know cuz I've tried every possible configuration even not making sense just to see if it'll work.


2. no bro ... My speed's correctly set...... If I leave the download 100% and only change the upload, my download speeds drastically change... That's not supposed to happen cuz I didn't touch the download bar you dig?  Download 100 percent upload 100 full speed down and up ..lower just upload speed. Download also goes down ..WHY BRO.

3. Because as soon as I turn it on I get packet burst in call of duty. No matter what I do. Suma os games poopy . Adding it myself selecting device and game. Nada

4. Dude I'm updating the names. The only way you can you know how you? What are you talking about? How other? What secret s*** you think I'm doing.... Whenever this router restarts, half of the devices are named unnamed. 


5. I have a CM 8 000 I think Netgear modem 8 something like that.

Everything is connected to this router dude. I'm not using DMZ lol. And again this is the second router physically like I had one. I returned it. I got another one. Same problems. I know you're doing your job but 

For anyone to think you're going to help with these issues, it's hilarious. Tell these guys to work an update. 

Most of the gaming community knows to stay away from the stuff now because of these problems. I guess they don't care.


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Hello, I used Netduma for a long time, and I must say that the R1 was really a great router for its time. But times have changed, and I've moved on to OpenWRT, where I now exclusively use ASUS routers, which are durable and reliable in the long run. I didn’t have much knowledge about open source 10 years ago, but I gradually learned over time. To tell you, I didn’t even know how to install Luci on one of my first MikroTik routers... that’s how bad I was, lol. Today, I develop with passion because I love it. I recently created a geo-filter that autorise only IP addresses that i want  and am currently working on finding the best server during matchmaking.




I also use SQM Cake via the interface that I have modified as well...

bonjour, j'ai longtemps utiliser netduma et je dois dire que le R1 était vraiment un bon routeur pour l'époque, mais les temps ont changé, j'ai evolué vers OpenWrt ou j'utilise desormais uniquement des routeurs ASUS qui sont solides et fiable dans le temps, je n'avais pas tellement de connaissance il y'a 10 ans sur l'open source et puis j'ai appris au fur et à mesure, pour vous dire, je ne savais meme pas comment installer luci sur un de mes premiers routeur mikrotik... à quel point j'etais nul... aujourd'hui je développe avec passion car j'aime ca, j'ai récemment créeer un geo filtre qui autorise seulement  les ip que je veux , et est en train de faire de trouver le meilleur serveur lors du matchmaking

j'utlise aussi sqm cake via l'interface que j'ai modifié également... 

test server geofiltre netduma.wmv  


echo "Adresse(s) statique(s) PS5 : $IPPS5"


# Surveillance du port 3074
echo "Surveillance du port UDP 3074 pour détecter le début d'une session de jeu..."
tcpdump -i $INTERFACE -nn 'udp port '$PORT -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1

echo "Activité détectée sur le port UDP 3074. Exécution du script de configuration réseau..."

# Configurer nftables pour capturer les adresses IP
echo "Configuration de nftables pour la capture des adresses IP..."
nft add table inet dopam
nft flush table inet dopam
nft delete set inet dopam udp_meter4 2>/dev/null
nft -f /dev/stdin <<EOF
table inet dopam {
    set udp_meter4 {typeof ip saddr . ip daddr . udp sport . udp dport
        timeout 5m

    chain dopam {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy accept;
        ip protocol udp ip daddr $IPPS5
        ip protocol udp ip saddr $IPPS5
		#choisi ton protocole pour ce que tu veux
        ip protocol udp ip daddr $IPPS5 add @udp_meter4 {ip saddr . ip daddr . udp sport . udp dport}


echo "Capture initiée sur nftables. Attente de $DURATION secondes pour collecter les données..."

# Extraire les adresses IP capturées et les préparer pour le ping
nft list set inet dopam udp_meter4 | grep 'elements' | sed -e 's/.*= { //;s/ }//' | tr "," "\n" > $IP_FILE

echo "Capture terminée. Début des tests de ping..."

# Vider le fichier des résultats de ping

# Lire chaque adresse IP et ping
while IFS= read -r ip_address; do
    echo "Test de ping pour l'adresse $ip_address"
    # Le ping est exécuté ici
    ping -c 50 $ip_address | tail -1 | awk '{print $50}' | cut -d '/' -f 2 >> $PING_RESULTS
done < "$IP_FILE"

echo "Tests de ping terminés. Résultats disponibles dans $PING_RESULTS."

# Trouver l'adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas
lowest_ping_ip=$(awk 'NR==1 {min=$1; line=$0; next} $1<min {min=$1; line=$0} END{print line}' $PING_RESULTS | cut -d' ' -f2)

# Afficher les adresses IP extraites pour vérification
echo "Adresses IP extraites :"
cat "$IP_FILE"

# Afficher l'adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas
echo "Adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas : $lowest_ping_ip"


sqm qos.JPG

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On 10/18/2024 at 5:57 PM, senorlasopa said:

My issues are not fixable because I've literally tried everything over the last 3 years. Hours of time wasted.2 different hardware.  For this company to think throwing you at us on this forum is going to solve anything is hilarious bro. They need to update or throw it out completely I don't know. He's a software bug issues not misconfiguration. Why do I know cuz I've tried every possible configuration even not making sense just to see if it'll work.


2. no bro ... My speed's correctly set...... If I leave the download 100% and only change the upload, my download speeds drastically change... That's not supposed to happen cuz I didn't touch the download bar you dig?  Download 100 percent upload 100 full speed down and up ..lower just upload speed. Download also goes down ..WHY BRO.

3. Because as soon as I turn it on I get packet burst in call of duty. No matter what I do. Suma os games poopy . Adding it myself selecting device and game. Nada

4. Dude I'm updating the names. The only way you can you know how you? What are you talking about? How other? What secret s*** you think I'm doing.... Whenever this router restarts, half of the devices are named unnamed. 

5. I have a CM 8 000 I think Netgear modem 8 something like that.

Everything is connected to this router dude. I'm not using DMZ lol. And again this is the second router physically like I had one. I returned it. I got another one. Same problems. I know you're doing your job but 

For anyone to think you're going to help with these issues, it's hilarious. Tell these guys to work an update. 

Most of the gaming community knows to stay away from the stuff now because of these problems. I guess they don't care.

A company creates a product and then provides support, it's just standard practice. I will continue to help people if they ask for it and in this occasion, attempt to help people who don't ask for it or want it. I appreciate how you feel, you're frustrated and annoyed by it, now you've made a post essentially to vent your anger because I suggested we might help you and you feel that you've struggled this entire time, I get it. However, your 3 years of troubleshooting isn't the same as my 10 years experience living it day in day out, now you may have issues that are not fixable through troubleshooting and that's fine but you can't know for certain until you engage with us. I know I can't resolve everyone's issues, the very nature of software demands that there will be bugs. My job is two fold, attempt to resolve/answer any issues/questions and if I'm unable to, pass it on to a developer to have a look at for a potential workaround/fix to be implemented. It would have been very easy for me to have ignored your tweet, you obviously didn't want assistance and were just looking to vent as we all sometimes need to do but out of hours we actively engage with difficult issues so that people like you can have a better experience if at all possible. 

  1. Could you provide a video of what you're seeing with the loading please? Preferably using https://jam.dev as that will provide us with extra information from the browser.
  2. Are you saying changing the upload speed then affects the download speed or changing the upload congestion control percentage then affects the download speed?
  3. Are you adding it with normal or gaming/voice? What about apply to WAN?
  4. If you're looking in settings at the names we know about that but it shouldn't happen in the Device Manager - are they all directly connected to the router or are you using switches, extenders, APs etc? So you just update the name and it doesn't change whatsoever? Are you using symbols in the names? The fact that not one device gets named correctly is not something I've ever seen before, hence a video would help. It may seem absolutely pointless to you but it would help me help you.

If we could just focus on the troubleshooting I'd appreciate it, otherwise it just seems you want to vent without actually hoping to solve the issue. Either way we apologise that you feel this way and hope you may try it again in future perhaps when the beta arrives.

On 10/18/2024 at 9:35 PM, IITazII said:

Apparently all routers that use duamos have faulty firmware.

Are you basing that on the content of a support forum? If so then you're only ever going to see issues and questions here which then provides a very one sided view of the overall picture.

6 hours ago, xara said:

liteally same, dumaos is screwing joke right now. he is consitently blaming Netgear but we all know what is the problem. 
I bought cheaper asus router and it works much better lmao 

You've never made a post about any issues so if you make a new topic we can help you there.

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Frasier you're cool man. I guess you have to reply to us with something because that's what your genius company outlined you to do.... But if you report to anyone just show them this. I donno. I come from custom firmware router world before this xr1000.  I'm not an average user. No matter what issues we report to you all you're going to end up in the end saying is to reset the router. When it's all said and done after we've told you every single issue and nothing works. You're going to say to reset it and it still won't work because I and I'm sure everyone else have tried this.... We just need you to either explain to management the need for firmware updates or perhaps let us know another way since you won't be able to speak candidly here that it will never ever happen and we should move on from Duma os and Netgear. Because I sure have false hope that a firmer update will release magically either updating this to an entirely new operating system version all together or finally fixing something. " This Rapp is taking longer to load than expected " can be reproduced on any Windows, operating system or web browser by simply just hitting apply every second or third time. That is the error message... You're going to tell me to use another browser or another operating system or another computer reset my network settings. Make sure I have no ridiculous firewall settings... You might suggest to reinstall Windows if you're crazy lol and don't read or a bot... I don't think you're a bot  Fraser... We really just need some support in the firmware area. Perhaps AI can fix some bugs?. Seems to work for Nvidia lately. Seems to work for Nvidia lately. Or perhaps gather some managers and another thread and we'll all talk and have a nice discussion as to why a company releases a product that isn't quite ready for release.... But then we're going to have to bring the entire AAA gaming industry into that lol. 

This is just comedy for any frustrated user of reading this at this point Frazier, but for real, tell these people to get some more updates going or figure out how to give us Duma OS. Whatever version you're up to. I'm sure it is a memory issue perhaps here's an idea....


Of Nvidia again for instance will release different firmwares for their graphics cards. One for overclocking one for not... Perhaps you guys can have a Duma OS light version?... Something with less features that just works that we choose to put on that doesn't come factory? 

That should require less coding. Probably a new build but everything takes 3 years with you guys anyway so.. don't steal my ideas Frazier 

You tell them senorlasopa said so!

And if I offended you Frasier in any way just look for my YouTube channel...it will all make sense.

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Creo que deberíamos crear una plataforma de afectados y denunciar a Netgear y a todos los implicados en el desarrollo del enrutador, esto ya es una estafa a gran escala y no se puede permitir. Llevan mucho tiempo tomándonos el pelo con una actualización que no llega, y los responsables de DumaOS, solo saben decir que no proporcionan beta y le echan la culpa a Netgear. Son unos auténticos vende humo ya que lo mas responsable es crear una actualización del sistema DumaOS para un enrutador que es sin duda el mas caro de la gama XR, habiendo ya actualizado todas las versiones y dejando tirados a los que compramos el tope de gama, el XR1000. No me vale que digáis que depende de Netgear cuando el sistema es de DumaOS, lo que os obliga a cumplir con el cliente creando una beta y enviándola a todo usuario que la solicite sin contar con Netgear. Netgear a fabricado el producto, y para que el producto funcione depende de vuestro sistema, por lo que ya es algo entre DamaOS y sus usuarios, aquí no pinta nada Netgear.

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The XR1000 has been dead weight for a long time.  I hoped I would have something positive to say about it before I relegated it to the junk drawer but I don't.  Unless that upcoming firmware update ever actually happens, which for most of us is far too late.

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On 10/19/2024 at 10:21 PM, Dopam-IT_1987 said:

Hello, I used Netduma for a long time, and I must say that the R1 was really a great router for its time. But times have changed, and I've moved on to OpenWRT, where I now exclusively use ASUS routers, which are durable and reliable in the long run. I didn’t have much knowledge about open source 10 years ago, but I gradually learned over time. To tell you, I didn’t even know how to install Luci on one of my first MikroTik routers... that’s how bad I was, lol. Today, I develop with passion because I love it. I recently created a geo-filter that autorise only IP addresses that i want  and am currently working on finding the best server during matchmaking.





I also use SQM Cake via the interface that I have modified as well...

bonjour, j'ai longtemps utiliser netduma et je dois dire que le R1 était vraiment un bon routeur pour l'époque, mais les temps ont changé, j'ai evolué vers OpenWrt ou j'utilise desormais uniquement des routeurs ASUS qui sont solides et fiable dans le temps, je n'avais pas tellement de connaissance il y'a 10 ans sur l'open source et puis j'ai appris au fur et à mesure, pour vous dire, je ne savais meme pas comment installer luci sur un de mes premiers routeur mikrotik... à quel point j'etais nul... aujourd'hui je développe avec passion car j'aime ca, j'ai récemment créeer un geo filtre qui autorise seulement  les ip que je veux , et est en train de faire de trouver le meilleur serveur lors du matchmaking

j'utlise aussi sqm cake via l'interface que j'ai modifié également... 

test server geofiltre netduma.wmv  


echo "Adresse(s) statique(s) PS5 : $IPPS5"


# Surveillance du port 3074
echo "Surveillance du port UDP 3074 pour détecter le début d'une session de jeu..."
tcpdump -i $INTERFACE -nn 'udp port '$PORT -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1

echo "Activité détectée sur le port UDP 3074. Exécution du script de configuration réseau..."

# Configurer nftables pour capturer les adresses IP
echo "Configuration de nftables pour la capture des adresses IP..."
nft add table inet dopam
nft flush table inet dopam
nft delete set inet dopam udp_meter4 2>/dev/null
nft -f /dev/stdin <<EOF
table inet dopam {
    set udp_meter4 {typeof ip saddr . ip daddr . udp sport . udp dport
        timeout 5m

    chain dopam {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy accept;
        ip protocol udp ip daddr $IPPS5
        ip protocol udp ip saddr $IPPS5
		#choisi ton protocole pour ce que tu veux
        ip protocol udp ip daddr $IPPS5 add @udp_meter4 {ip saddr . ip daddr . udp sport . udp dport}


echo "Capture initiée sur nftables. Attente de $DURATION secondes pour collecter les données..."

# Extraire les adresses IP capturées et les préparer pour le ping
nft list set inet dopam udp_meter4 | grep 'elements' | sed -e 's/.*= { //;s/ }//' | tr "," "\n" > $IP_FILE

echo "Capture terminée. Début des tests de ping..."

# Vider le fichier des résultats de ping

# Lire chaque adresse IP et ping
while IFS= read -r ip_address; do
    echo "Test de ping pour l'adresse $ip_address"
    # Le ping est exécuté ici
    ping -c 50 $ip_address | tail -1 | awk '{print $50}' | cut -d '/' -f 2 >> $PING_RESULTS
done < "$IP_FILE"

echo "Tests de ping terminés. Résultats disponibles dans $PING_RESULTS."

# Trouver l'adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas
lowest_ping_ip=$(awk 'NR==1 {min=$1; line=$0; next} $1<min {min=$1; line=$0} END{print line}' $PING_RESULTS | cut -d' ' -f2)

# Afficher les adresses IP extraites pour vérification
echo "Adresses IP extraites :"
cat "$IP_FILE"

# Afficher l'adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas
echo "Adresse IP avec le ping le plus bas : $lowest_ping_ip"


sqm qos.JPG

Hello, can you provide more information here or via dm about you great method ? Thank you 

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Bonjour, comme mentionné precedement j'utilise un script personalisé avec des regles DSCP et SQM QoS modifié , rien de plus, le script fait environ 700 lignes de code sous nftables,

j'utilise un routeur ASUS ax4200 pas besoin de mieux  (quad core 2ghz) je joue en cablé, avec des packages supplémentaires que j'ajoute environ une 40 aines de packages supplémentaires, 

j'ai un script qui analyse uniquement les serveurs sur call of duty en temps réels que j'ai modifié (pas de QoS ou autres compliqué) qui repose sur un merveilleux travail qui m'a inspiré  d'un forumeur  d'OpenWrt..

ou il n'ya que les source protocol destination et DSCP, le script geofiltre que j'ai créer en revanche est plus complexe en terme de codes mais une fois installé il marche super bien grace à sa précision de filtrage unique d'adresse ip ou cidr que vous pouvez ajouter a l'infini, et meme ajouter deux trois ou autant de consoles differentes  que vous voulez pour geofiltrer vos jeux avec les regles strictes d'ip que vous voulez seulement  autorisez pour jouer...

nftables est très puissant bien mieux qu'iptables avec lequel j'ai commencé OpenWrt à l'époque de lede 17.01...

prenez soin de vous ! 


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