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r3 upnp not working for me


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recently upgraded to the r3 from the xr500. im still playing around with all the settings etc but i did notice upnp wasnt opening ports as needed. ive done the same setup as i did with my xr500 in passthrough mode on the att modem. Is it a known issue or do i have something setup wrong 

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Also make sure you disable, IPv6 for both WAN and LAN, and reboot the R3. Also, Reboot the console/pc for safe measures. But, you should get Open NAT. Especially if you're on the latest firmware, 4.0.219.

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17 minutes ago, TrayDay said:

Also make sure you disable, IPv6 for both WAN and LAN, and reboot the R3. Also, Reboot the console/pc for safe measures. But, you should get Open NAT. Especially if you're on the latest firmware, 4.0.219.

ill try that i already check it came with the latest on it already 

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5 minutes ago, TxFrog33 said:

its the same for me and Im also on the latest update it doesn't work right Ive disabled ipv6 wan and Lan and did the reboot you all suggest.

i havent tried it uet i just port forward for now 

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25 minutes ago, TrayDay said:

DMZ will 100% give you Open Nat. Just as @DARKNESSsaid. If you're the only one gaming, just put the console in the DMZ of portforwarding section. You should be good.

im on pc 

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48 minutes ago, TrayDay said:

DMZ will 100% give you Open Nat. Just as @DARKNESSsaid. If you're the only one gaming, just put the console in the DMZ of portforwarding section. You should be good.

just disable ipv6 on lan and wan restarted im good to go thanks 

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