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Various Xbox One Issues


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So i've had various Issues setting up my xbox one on Netduma R3, including double NAT issues and slow speeds. I have since resolved most of these with some port Forwarding and DMZ changes. However my last change has caused some issues 

I had Open Nat type but receiving roughly 20% of my actual speeds. My xbox is wired directly into my Netudma router. I was able to get my download speeds up to full by disabling IPv6 on my LAN, however when i done this, anything connected to the router via WIFI loses internet connection and connection to the router itself. meaning im unable to connect to the router GUI and internet 

I enabled IPv6 on LAN  and rebooted, WIFI back up but slow speeds on the xbox again and double NAT -.- , anyone know a better way to resolve both these?

thank you 

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What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g. R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode

Are ALL devices connected to the R3? What speeds do you pay for/expect and what are you receiving? Where are you testing the speeds?

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So My Providers Router is a SKYSR204, which i have set its default DMZ IP to the IP of the WAN on my Netduma R3, not sure how to set the modem in auto mode as not sure what to choose out of DSL or WANoe Only options 

Paid Speeds are 140Mbps down and 30 Up ( i know -.- but fiber not installed in my village yet ) and was getting download speeds on my xbox of 22Mbps. Use Fast.com to test on PC and get full speeds.However i feel the slow speeds may be resolved after hard reboot of xbox but double NAT still active.


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Double NAT indicates that the DMZ you set isn't currently correct - if you rebooted the R3 for example the IP may have changed - double check they are in fact matching. Console speed tests aren't always accurate - if a PC is getting full speeds the router won't be limiting you - I suspect if you do a download on the console it will go at your expected speeds.

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