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DumaOS 4 support for the R2


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I know you dont give ETAs, but 4 months after R3 release, can you inform the community if its planned to release soon? I dont wanna buy a R3 when my R2 is still working... I bought the R2 and 3 weeks later you released the R3... 

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We're going to get it as stable as possible on the R3 first, then we'll port it over to the R2. This will be the fastest way and more efficient while ensuring any big issues are resolved before porting.

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This is understandable from the developers perspective. However from the customer / consumers perspective,  we´d expect it soon enough. As stated, since 12 months no updates for the R2...

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Didn’t expect another answer tbh. Since the R3 sales is still running, I guess the R2 will be “forgotten” until R3 sales stagnates. As a trustworthy company you could at least give us a roadmap, when you are targeting to release the OS for the older products. 

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  On 3/9/2024 at 2:09 PM, Tony23 said:

Didn’t expect another answer tbh. Since the R3 sales is still running, I guess the R2 will be “forgotten” until R3 sales stagnates. As a trustworthy company you could at least give us a roadmap, when you are targeting to release the OS for the older products. 


I don't know why people jump to that conclusion - we have said it will come to the R2 (literally as we launched the R3, if our goal was to maximize R3 sales that would have been a poor way of doing it) and it will. We do not give out any ETAs, when it is ready it'll be made available.

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  On 3/8/2024 at 10:27 AM, Tony23 said:

I know you dont give ETAs, but 4 months after R3 release, can you inform the community if its planned to release soon? I dont wanna buy a R3 when my R2 is still working... I bought the R2 and 3 weeks later you released the R3... 


it seems like  you are mad at the devs because  of bad luck timing  on your part.

like  wouldnt you want a  functional  firmware on your  200 dollar  router?  if they released duma 4  Right now and it turned people R2s into paperweight, people like this post will still say "you guys are trying to push sales by breaking our routers" 

you ask for a  road map, but what would that road map give you? if something happened and  threw the whole thing off,  you will be pissed and call the man a liar.

just be patient or  cough up the  next 200 for the r3.  going back and forth with  fraser isnt going to get you  OS4 

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Not at all. I am more than happy with my R2 and its work ;)

Also I did not demand to release it NOW. The question is simple: When can we expect it approx.? Dont get why you start analysing my words and intentions when the question is already stated. And your allegation that I'd call somebody a liar is simply misplaced. 


Fraser is representing the company and I am not going back and forth with him personally. Netduma has announced the OS4 for the R2 and never gave us an update. Which is just not how a company should present itself. 


Again: I dont expect it to be released today or tomorrow. Only a brief information whether they aim to bring it our in Q2, Q3 or Q4 or next year or at what state the current development is.

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