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how set up the vpn on the R2 with express vpn but im trying to use it for my console or can i not do that? i have it on my router connected but when i browse on my laptop its slow an when i check to see if my ip shows a different location it doesn't. now if i use the app on my macbook it works with changing my location. so idk if theres something im doing wrong for it to work. any input would be appreciated. I try to add the console which it does but can't change to vpn it just say do not vpn this device an its grayed out?

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That's how it should appear when adding a console and that will be it being applied to the console.

Do NOT VPN these services with no services added means it's applying to the entire device. If you add a service it will apply to the entire device except that service.

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@Matthew_DBest way to check whether it active is by using google on the console and searching your websites vpn and checking whether it active alternatively you can do a speed test and it'll be slower do to the limitations around 20mbs max uploads is less...

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