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Geofilter and ping heatmap will not load on XR1000

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I just got this router today and the geofilter and ping heatmap will not load.  I just get an error message “this rapp is not loaded yet.  Try again in a minute”. I tried following the steps in one of your forums that I saw but the things you were saying to click on was not what was showing on my computer screen.  I am so lost and afraid I’ve messed things up on my router now

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52 minutes ago, IndySlayer said:

I just got this router today and the geofilter and ping heatmap will not load.  I just get an error message “this rapp is not loaded yet.  Try again in a minute”. I tried following the steps in one of your forums that I saw but the things you were saying to click on was not what was showing on my computer screen.  I am so lost and afraid I’ve messed things up on my router now

Welcome to the forum!

I've responded to you over on Twitter, but let's move it over to here on the forum at it's much easier.

If you reboot the XR1000, do you then have access to Geo-filter and Ping Heatmap again?
Could you please confirm which firmware version you're running?
Are you getting any messages on screen or are they just not loading?

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How long are you waiting after a reboot before you attempt access as its important to allow time for the features to load correctly, if you access too soon it could interrupt that and cause the problem. We usually suggest waiting 2 minutes before accessing, also reboot via the interface rather than unplugging the power.

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What web browser/device are you accessing with? Are you using Armor? 

You may need to factory reset as I assume it updated you to the latest firmware from the wizard so would be some old low level code from the previous firmware and that could be causing it.

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31 minutes ago, IndySlayer said:

Factory reset fixed it.  How do I find Halo Infinite on the Geo Filter list?  It’s not on the “what game are you playing?” List

If you're on console it will add with the console service and you can filter that way. If on PC, give the PC a PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager then re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option and it will add with the console service and you can then filter Halo with that service.

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32 minutes ago, IndySlayer said:

Nvm I deleted the previous device.  But now when I choose manually it doesn’t manually let me do anything…it just automatically still adds the device?  I’m confused 

Yes that's correct, it then adds automatically with the console service and you can now adjust your settings and filter the game

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16 minutes ago, IndySlayer said:

But I don’t see the geofilter filtering anything like I don’t see dots or anything popping up on the map

Are you searching for a game at the time? Do you see anything on the map when you're in a game?

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As we're a small team and it's out of hours support this is the easiest method, I'll be here all weekend to help if needed (GMT).

Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager (if on PC)
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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11 hours ago, IndySlayer said:

So you put the PC as a PlayStation device even though Halo isn’t available on PlayStation?  (I already did this before, it’s just a side question)

Yes, the PlayStation doesn't matter specifically, it just ensures you can add the PC with the Games Console service which is a broader service and so allows for filtering of games we don't have a specific service for. While in a game can you take a screenshot of what the Geo-Filter looks like please?

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