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Bufferbloat issues on Download XR1000

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I've notice I'm having bad results with download bufferbloat. Just started happing the other day, before this I was getting great results.

this first test was what I was getting before and been stable for months



this is with the high download bufferbloat that I'm now getting all the time on each test. I've seen download active hit over 100MS in some cases.



could this be caused by QoS with fiber 1000 up and down? I can't seem to pin point the issues. I have my sliders at 90% for both

I have flow control turned off on the Intel ethernet controller, I was told to always have this off when using QoS


I wish these routers came with SQM Instead of QoS. Seems like SQM is way better at killing bufferbloat issues then QoS

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I wouldn't worry too much about this, bufferbloat only occurs when your connection is saturated and at your speeds this is very unlikely to happen. It's also likely that Traffic Prioritization is skewing the test results. SQM is just a type of QoS.

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Let's talk about your experience here: Do you ever have transitory bad performance/lack of responsiveness (lag during gaming, breaking up during voice or videoconference calls)? If not, you're probably fine. (Rich's Second Law of Networking is, "If you're happy, then I'm happy.")

But if you do see evidence for a lack of responsiveness, and especially if the Waveform or DSL Reports tests indicate additional latency, then you're going to need to find a different solution.

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I get packet loss in warzone sometimes. It's just hard to tell if it's game related or on my side.

my connection will post great results on waveform then a few test later it's getting bufferbloat again

for some reason I can't use dslreports anymore. I think it might be that I'm using duckduckgo and Ublock on my google browser. Plus I still get random results on the connection benchmark on DumaOS. Just be nice to find some way to pin point the issue dead on and keep the connection stable for once.

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48 minutes ago, Kwee said:

I get packet loss in warzone sometimes. It's just hard to tell if it's game related or on my side.

my connection will post great results on waveform then a few test later it's getting bufferbloat again

for some reason I can't use dslreports anymore. I think it might be that I'm using duckduckgo and Ublock on my google browser. Plus I still get random results on the connection benchmark on DumaOS. Just be nice to find some way to pin point the issue dead on and keep the connection stable for once.

Follow this guide while saturating your connection with downloads/streams etc and change the Congestion Control percentages (while set to always) to see what lowers the graph as much as possible http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

Also if you haven't done so already, ALL devices should be connected to the XR for QoS to work optimally.

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14 hours ago, Kwee said:

Ya I have IPV6 disabled on XR1000 and at&t modem 

this was my test from today. Sometimes waveform test likes my connection. internet connections are so unpredictable sometimes.



That looks better, did gameplay also feel better at this time? Just to double check, are all devices on the network connected to the XR1000?

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Gaming is pretty solid, I notice when I leave QoS on Never I get better reports on bufferbloat test. The QoS Test recommends I leave sliders at 100% every time I run it

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8 minutes ago, Kwee said:

Gaming is pretty solid, I notice when I leave QoS on Never I get better reports on bufferbloat test. The QoS Test recommends I leave sliders at 100% every time I run it

Auto Setup is still being improved upon but if that is what feels best for your connection then you can leave it at that. Traffic Prioritization will still be prioritizing the game so still benefiting from QoS there.

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12 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

That looks better, did gameplay also feel better at this time? Just to double check, are all devices on the network connected to the XR1000?

It feels pretty good. Going to run some more test and see if it stays stable over time. I just had a 18 kill game on Rebirth so I'm guessing it's solid for now😉


congestion control set on Never


70% on both sliders with Congestion control on Always



seems like the test is really effected on the download when QoS is enabled, upload seems the same and stable.  I will say when I have QoS ENABLED and run  pingplotter test it shows a clean stable graph on the bottom. So like Fraser has told me, it could just be traffic control giving it false results.


So would the best option still be to use congestion control since that could be a false test result>??

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Just ran this test, it's showing A+ but still saying I have low latency gaming issues. This is driving me nuts lol

this is with congestion control set to Never. if you look at unloaded details it's showing I had a ping spike at 100ms and 8.8 jitter.


when I get a higher upload speed on the test I get these results, But when you see the test with my upload cut in half it's better. I don't see why my upload keeps going from 400+mbps to 800mbps on the same test.



the test showing the lower upload speed but all settings are still the same with congestion control set to Never.


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Traffic Prioritization can adversely affect those tests as well so may not be 100% accurate. If PingPlotter shows a nice healthy graph with QoS enabled when you're saturating the connection with downloads/streams with 70% for example then that is the value I would suggest using.

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Ok so Now I'm using 100% on download slider and 98% on upload and getting solid results now. ping plotter likes it and waveform test likes it. So, I'm going to keep it this way for now. 


I also played around with Traffic Prioritization and don't really notice a difference with it On or off. My hit reg on games seems no different.  

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16 minutes ago, Kwee said:

Ok so Now I'm using 100% on download slider and 98% on upload and getting solid results now. ping plotter likes it and waveform test likes it. So, I'm going to keep it this way for now. 

I also played around with Traffic Prioritization and don't really notice a difference with it On or off. My hit reg on games seems no different.  

Add a Traffic Prio rule with Apply to WAN enabled, if your ISP supports priority tags you should definitely notice a difference. Either way glad you found values that work best for you!

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33 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Add a Traffic Prio rule with Apply to WAN enabled, if your ISP supports priority tags you should definitely notice a difference. Either way glad you found values that work best for you!

I'm on at&t fiber 1g up and down. how can I check if my ISP is using these tags? I also can't use my own modem so I must use IP passthrough with this old ass BGW210-700 modem from at&t

Going to try it with WAN enabled. I'm on PC so using game console on normal default with apply WAN should work with warzone?

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I also wanted to know what would be the best method for IP passthrough? I'm using The DHCPS-FIXED method right now. I wanna try the manual way but don't see where I can configure the WAN on dumaOS, I guess you can...Manually configure your device to use the WAN IP address, default gateway, and Subnet mask provided to you by customer care.



Here's the 3 different methods. Pretty sure I'm using the right one already, just wanna make sure. 

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I notice the passtrhough DHCP Lease is at 10minutes, Should I change that to 99 days?


 Just did a ping plotter for about 10mins, I do see spikes every few mins showing spikes around 20-28ms from 13ms, this is just from me running HD videos from youtube. I run about 3-4 videos on my PC and just let them run for 10-20mins and look back at the graph when it's done. I also have my tv running a video and my Kids IPAD so I can flood the network.


Is it ok to be changing the % on congestion control when pingplotter is active or start a brand new test each time you make a change to the router to get a real result?

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Yes I would suggest changing it to the max time it allows. It's better to look at PingPlotter while that is happening so you can change Congestion Control on the fly and see how it affects the ping but on the whole that's not too bad a jump

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

If it changes then dynamic otherwise fixed is fine. That would be in Internet Setup on the first page of Settings

I just looked under internet setup on the XR1000 and the setting is on "get dynamically from isp" should I switch that to use static IP address since I'm using the DCHP Fixed method on IP passthrough mode or just switch IP passthrough mode to dynamic on the modem? I'm not sure if this will even change anything performance wise 

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