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Ping Heat Map


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Is there a reason why ping servers are missing under certain games? When I tried the ping heat map feature under Warzone, there aren't many decent servers as compared to when I pinged Cold War. See pics below:

In the first image,  the best server is pinging around 35 which is decent, but that's the lowest. In the second picture, 19 is the lowest which is more preferable to ping to if at all possible. Why aren't any servers showing like that in Warzone?



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Servers sometimes fail to ping, it is normal, it just means we have to put out a cloud update - the servers are still there and connectable using the Geo-Filter, just not shown on heatmap. When the team are back from the holidays they'll update it.

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Ok understood. I have another question..as of late the hit detection in this game has been terrible!! I’ll ping to good servers but it seems like I’m getting fried by people with higher ping. Also I’ve been having intermittent connection issues where the connection will randomly drop and then reconnect..Any suggestions on what I should do?

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What firmware version are you on currently and what are your Geo-Filter and QoS settings? 

Set the DHCP range to start at .50, then assign reserved IP addresses to devices between .2 & .49 so they're out of the DHCP range, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes and see if that stops the disconnects.

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Geo-Filter settings look good from what I can see. Is there any reason you've disabled QoS? It would be beneficial to have it enabled to improve your experience - you may have high download speeds but the upload speeds are slower and therefore more easily susceptible to bufferbloat.

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Yes I have always had it disabled for years because I've noticed (along with other users in the forums) the lag and hit detection is so much worse with it enabled. Now if there have been improvements since then, I'm willing to try it.

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I think it is worth a try, you can try throttling heavily for example, Bandwidth Allocation you can reset. For Traffic Prioritization if you're playing via wireless you can choose Gaming/Voice and for ethernet choose normal but for both you can select Apply to WAN and if your ISP supports priority tags you may see more of a performance increase.

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QOS once dialled in can give you your smoothest connection . With regards to hit detection on vanguard ,  I am in the UK and with all previous CODs I use the closest server which is on the south coast of the UK gives me 15-20 ping and and a good experience .  Not with Vanguard !!  I use the Italian server and the one on Portugal which gives me between 45-55 ms ping and my hit detection in Vanguard is very good …. So much for ping is king 

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23 hours ago, Kahari said:

I see this has yet to be fixed from the previous beta from long ago. I thought this was supposed to be fixed in the update?

To be clear, you're referring to Connection Benchmark reporting incorrect speeds yes?

We did make some improvements, but we've been testing some improvements internally that appear to have helped a great deal as well so we'll be including that in the next firmware too.

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