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HitReg + downloads


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last week i was making some downloads (50gb), and im on vacation so i have nothing to do, so i went for COD and the game was different, i mean the hit reg was correct the TTK was incredably fast, m KD was 4/3 that day .

the next day (downloads done) i went to play again end the game become what was before, so i made the test again, i put my pc downloading some staff nd went back to COD, guess what the gameplay was smooth again.

my question is, how can i replcate this without put my PC downloading staff?

and, what kind of tests can i make here?


im using the R1, geo filter on, fast search off, my speed is 200/100 and my QOS is at 30%upload and 30%down it is the best setting for me at the moment.

thanks in advance. 

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I agree and I always do that when I play video game lol


I use default setting according to netduma’s recommendation. But I always have my pc running 4k New York Time square cctv stream on Youtube. people would call it placebo but it works every time  for me 

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On 1/1/2022 at 4:33 AM, Chaiyoabc said:

I agree and I always do that when I play video game lol


I use default setting according to netduma’s recommendation. But I always have my pc running 4k New York Time square cctv stream on Youtube. people would call it placebo but it works every time  for me 

I tried what Frazer said but didn’t work. 
now im playing without geofilter and it is working well for me.

Next step it I’ll  be playing with youtube just like you or downloading something with utorrent :)

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On 1/15/2022 at 1:29 AM, TODDzillaInLA said:

this goes back to dumbing down your connection to trick the lag compression engine and the sbmm, Adjust the values in QOS

When I throttle, hit detection seemed not much natural, a bit delay for me to say. 

now I have 70%/100% and have background 4k stream and leeching some random utorrent file in background

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