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I have a few questions...


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After doing some fall cleaning, I recently updated my NetDuma R1 from the older firmware, to the newest version currently available. After admiring the fancy looking OS, I began to run into multiple problems with the Wi-Fi dropping off during game-play. Odd part was, it was only the Wi-Fi dropping off, however it did not include myself (I'm hardwired as that probably will be important information.)

After some attempts to fix it, I somehow managed to make it worse, as I somehow made my PC not work hardwired, but my PS5 was fine hardwired. I gave up that night after a wee bit of rage.

The next night I reset it, since it was the only thing I could think of to fix the issue. However even after following your setup guides in the knowledge base. The Wi-Fi still drops off on my roommates PS5, and a few mobile devices around my home. Question is, how do I fix it, as this was never a problem prior to my clean-up/firmware upgrade.

Thanks in advance.


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Do the following and this should help, disable the WiFi completely, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes then connect, enable WiFi, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes and see if it is more stable then.

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After trying this out, it appears that it did nothing. Almost seems as if it's slightly worse then before. Got any other suggestions?

EDIT: I will also note that the party chat likes to go robotic on his end when the wi-fi likes to start cutting off.

Apologizes for the late reply, falling asleep after work happens more then I care to admit.

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7 hours ago, BeardsmanDan said:

After trying this out, it appears that it did nothing. Almost seems as if it's slightly worse then before. Got any other suggestions?

EDIT: I will also note that the party chat likes to go robotic on his end when the wi-fi likes to start cutting off.

Apologizes for the late reply, falling asleep after work happens more then I care to admit.

Worse in what sense, is it now dropping more often than it was before?

Next time the Wi-Fi drops can you please go to System Information, click the three line menu in the Logs panel and download a copy. If you could send that over we can take a look at what might be the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, BeardsmanDan said:

Yes, I do believe so, as it's been a bit of time since my last post.

Apologizes for the late reply, been busy at work during the last week or so. Therefore I kind of forgot.

There is a lease renewal just before the drop occurs, perhaps that's what caused things to drop. Could you try going to Network Settings -> LAN -> DHCP and set the lease time to 168 hours? After that save settings and let us know if that helps.

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On 12/4/2021 at 8:22 PM, BeardsmanDan said:


After doing some fall cleaning, I recently updated my NetDuma R1 from the older firmware, to the newest version currently available. After admiring the fancy looking OS, I began to run into multiple problems with the Wi-Fi dropping off during game-play. Odd part was, it was only the Wi-Fi dropping off, however it did not include myself (I'm hardwired as that probably will be important information.)

After some attempts to fix it, I somehow managed to make it worse, as I somehow made my PC not work hardwired, but my PS5 was fine hardwired. I gave up that night after a wee bit of rage.

The next night I reset it, since it was the only thing I could think of to fix the issue. However even after following your setup guides in the knowledge base. The Wi-Fi still drops off on my roommates PS5, and a few mobile devices around my home. Question is, how do I fix it, as this was never a problem prior to my clean-up/firmware upgrade.

Thanks in advance.


this happens as well when the Wi-Fi channel your Wi-Fi is using is being crowded by other networks! in the Wi-Fi tab you can change it from there! personally i would recommend using a Wi-Fi scanner so you can see what channel is not being used! if what the admins recommended doesn't work give this a try! currently i have my Wi-Fi channel on automatic so it can determine what is optimal for my Wi-Fi devices every time i reboot! when factory resetting the r1 it puts you on channel 7  which is as well the default channel for most networks 

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