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XR500 Device Manager - Unable to view devices on Device manage but able to see it thru IOS app

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When I opened Netduma Device manager I was unable to see my devices from my Access point but when I tried to check it thru Netgear Nighthawk App I was able to see it all.

BTW I'm using BETA one on XR500 so probably device manager Issue hasn't been fixed yet? 

Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you

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I'm using COMFAST CF-EW71 as Access Point. Yes they appear offline in Device manager but when I look at  Network Monitor>Network Snapshot I can see running devices connected to AP. I was wondering what could be the problem with the device manager though in Nighthawk app they are fine.

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10 hours ago, Jeofel08 said:

I'm using COMFAST CF-EW71 as Access Point. Yes they appear offline in Device manager but when I look at  Network Monitor>Network Snapshot I can see running devices connected to AP. I was wondering what could be the problem with the device manager though in Nighthawk app they are fine.

Possibly yes, is it a separate SSID that you connect devices to or do you still connect to the XR500 network?

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

It may be worth removing the Samsung TV from Device Manager when it's offline, then next time you turn the TV it should reconnect and show as Online.

It Works like a charm. Thanks Liam


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