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DHCP Option 61

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I Have read a few posts now but cant find anything I have just switched from BT to SKY and want to get my setup as 

Modem >> XR700 >> Internet

Instead of atm

Modem >> Sky Router >> XR700 >> Internet

Reason is with current setup I am getting SUCH bad LAG and Packetloss!!


I am on version XR700 V1.0.0.20

I use this version as its the only one that works for my WIFI 

I have upgraded to XR700 V1.0.1.38 to test it and still no option


I read that you set up the Does your setup req password to NO but then I cant see an option for 61 - Username and Password? I have the Username and Password from sky already just need to find where you input it?! 


I see the Client Identifier String (Option 61): but this just has a blank box and no option for a username or password! 



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Do you need to put in PPPOE details? You would have to set your connection to PPPoE.


what issue are you having with it’s WiFi? I find it generally works as it should, speed and coverage similar to XR500. I have the AD 60Ghz WiFi turned off though.

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I see what you mean now.


the identifier string, is that not just username|password ? Ie filled out in that format how it comes out of the wireshark capture,if you have captured it yourself.


If you took it from wireshark you have to omit the first = from the identifier string.

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You're doing something they don't want you to do really, bypass their router, that's why it is more difficult to achieve. Repeat the process just to double check you didn't miss anything, I've never had Sky so it's not something I can particularly advise on

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