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Latency jittering in Warzone


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In the past week, i have been constantly having connection issues to Warzone. The latency is constantly jittering from 60-80 to 130-200. It will do this constantly throughout the match and I haven't be able to pinpoint the issue. I went back to my Netgear Nighthawk router to test it out and it was running fine. Are there any updates I have missed? I am not sure why all of the sudden it started occuring. I saw an article a few weeks back about how Activision is working to rid their servers of routers like the R2. Could this be the case, or is there anyone else having this same issue?


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What is the model of the modem/router the R2 is connected to? Are you using the Geo-Filter and QoS? Are you measuring the ping/jitter on the Geo-Filter or in game?

Could you link that article if you have it? I'd be interested to see that. As far as I am aware they wouldn't even know you were using the router or be able to counteract it.

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That'd be funny... Acti - 'We want to rid the servers of geo filter users... but aimbot, wallhack and under the map exploiters who are ruining the game... nah, we don't care about that :D'

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Thanks for the response. I wasn't able to locate the article. I think a buddy sent it via messenger or something. Maybe I was mistaken? Well anyhow, i bought two new ethernet cables to try and seem to have a steady connection, but I will monitor and if anything changes, I will report back.


Thanks again for your help. You guys are great with assisting your customers!

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