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First time posting here, looking for some help configuring the VPN traffic to exclude my plex server. I've added the ports as shown in the picture but it's not working. Not sure what I'm missing. The ports I've added to the exception are defined by the docker on my unraid server. Feel free to ask me for more info! Thanks!

updated plexports.PNG

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Could you explain what that does? Wouldn't that filter all traffic through that server to not use the vpn? Or does it just affect the source port and it still filters based on the destination port? Sorry I'm just not super clear on what it does or how it works. Also I've updated the ports and still no luck plex is still going through the vpn.

updated plexports 2.PNG

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Looks like you might be missing these ports as well:

5353, 32412, 32413 UDP

Add them and see if it works. So it should exclude anything with the destination ports as those numbers, it won't do all traffic as other traffic will be going to different destination ports.

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Still no luck, it's still going through the VPN. I also have another question that popped up I can no longer add exceptions to my desktop it's disabled. I've attached the updated ports and included the issue with my desktop in the photo. Thanks for all your help hopefully we can get this resolved soon!


edit: I've fixed the issue with the desktop so just need to worry about the VPN issue on the tower device.

updated plexports 3.PNG

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How are you using the Plex server over the internet exactly, remotely? 

As you've changed the PC to a console in the Device Manager that is why it's greyed out in HybridVPN, if you change it back to a PC you'll be able to add services for it

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I use it both locally and remotely. Without the VPN I can access it both remotely and locally. With the VPN I can access it both remotely and locally but it cannot create a direct connection to the server over the VPN (which is to be expected) which limits the quality to SD. I just want the plex service running on my UNRAID server to ignore the VPN and continue functioning how it currently is.

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So you want the entire server to not be behind the VPN is that right? If so then you can just remove the device from the VPN page, only devices you add and specify will be protected by the VPN - it does not apply to the router as a whole

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Yeah I've got it working for remote access when not on the VPN I just want to exclude the service from the VPN. I've attached a photo of the plex config when not on the VPN which shows it working. When on the vpn I lose connection and the ip address changes to the ip address assigned by the VPN. The other file I've attached is a screenshot of the docker configuration on my unraid server.



updated plexports 3.PNG

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11 hours ago, manderson53 said:

the modem is a netgear cm1200 and the router is the xr700.

If all devices run through the XR700, I'd also suggest reserving the IP address for the XR700 from the modem's admin page and putting this IP in the modem's DMZ. 

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1 hour ago, manderson53 said:

Thanks for all your help guys but I think I'm just going to give up on the project it's not a huge deal to me!

OK, sorry we couldn't get to the bottom of it! If you'd like to dig into this again in future just let us know and we'd be happy to help.

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