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XBOX series X geo filter question

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I just recently purchased the XR500 and have played several games of warzone using it with great speed and ping.  My issue is using the geo filter part of it.  I don't seem to be getting the peers and servers to pop up like I see other people having.  Everyone once in awhile I see another player or maybe a server, but doesn't seem to be working like it should.  Any advice?

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Try this please:

  1. Hard turn off the console
  2. Remove device from Geo-Filter
  3. Re-sync cloud from Geo-Filter Map menu (if you get a too long message, wait 1 minute then refresh the page and it will have applied)
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  5. Setup the Geo-Filter and put Ping Assist to 0
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up the game

then see if it appears to work better.

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31 minutes ago, Spittin said:

I'll try that tonight.  Thanks.  When I get it figured out and I have a team of 4 in my party is there a way to tell who is who?

I'd suggest you invite them one at a time so you can add them to your allow list and see where they appear on the map

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alright so I tried what you suggested and no go.  I'm also having issues with the geofilter map.  I'm zoomed out to 2.5, but I can't seem to move around the map and select different areas.  Pretty much north america, mexico and part of europe is all I can see.

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11 hours ago, Spittin said:

alright so I tried what you suggested and no go.  I'm also having issues with the geofilter map.  I'm zoomed out to 2.5, but I can't seem to move around the map and select different areas.  Pretty much north america, mexico and part of europe is all I can see.

What are you seeing when you're in a game? Presumably the server you're connected to and your friends as peers? 

So you're not able to zoom all the way out on the Geo-filter map? What if you use the slider/buttons in the bottom left of the map rather than the scroll wheel?

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I took this picture last night, I'll try and grab a screenshot when I get on tonight.  At this point im playing a quads match with some guys I know from canada.  I expanded the zone so i could make sure they would stay in my party when I started filtering.  After several games I never saw the player symbols pop up.  Maybe I missed the slider, but this is about all I could see.


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is there a way to get them to connect to me so I can whitelist them?  What screen resolution are you referring to?  The picture is of my laptop, not sure the resolution.  Its a microsoft surface laptop

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I'd recommend you upgrade to the beta firmware, you'll have more tools to help you force servers and it will be easier to zoom in/out


I'd recommend doing a factory reset after upgrading for a fresh install.

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