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Unable to connect to a data center

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Hey, welcome to the forum! Try this and see if it works.

  1. Quit the game/client completely - including from the System Tray (PC only, if on console then hard turn off the console)
  2. Remove device from Geo-Filter
  3. Go to the Device Manager and give your PC the PlayStation device type (PC only)
  4. Flush cloud from Geo-Filter Map menu (if you get a too long message, wait 1 minute then refresh the page and it will have applied)
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  6. Setup the Geo-Filter to cover the server - I would recommend having a Polygon over Spain and then a few more over other servers and put Ping Assist to 0
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up the client/game
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45 minutes ago, EspiritDeCorps said:

Sir, can you please be more specific at 3. and 4. ? Thank you

Go to the Device Manager page on the router, click on your PC, in the Device Type dropdown list select PlayStation and click save

In the Geo-Filter Map option menu (3 line icon, top left of the panel) click Re-sync cloud

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  • 9 months later...
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4 hours ago, Brenton gulliver said:

Hey guys here from Australia and I have a netgear D6200 Modem how do I do it on this so I can actually play warzone also I play on Xbox one if that helps thanks 

Hey, welcome to the forum!

If you do not have a DumaOS router then that's not something we can specifically help you with as we only support routers with DumaOS.

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