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Auto Ping and Geo filter stopped working

Oren Tasuna

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So as if the crippled Wi-Fi and numerous disconnections on a semi-hourly basis aren't enough, the one feature that was working stopped working.

For some reason I don't see anymore the opponent I'm matched against in the Geo filter map, nor do I see any ping information in the auto ping panel.

Can't say I'm surprised... guess I'll have to wait to the update that will come at god knows when as if it hasn't been months since last update.

Thanks a lot NETDUMA, great product.  

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Just followed the steps above... I noticed this happens only in dashboard view, in Geo Filter Auto Ping is not disabled. I've disabled fast search and ping assist, but since I've set ping assist once router ignores me disabling it and keeps matching me with players displayed as ping assist players which are outside my Radar and obviously, with higher ping.   

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Ahhh I see, yes that makes sense on the dashboard because a panel can't be created on the dashboard it needs to be pinned. So go to the Geo-Filter page, enable Auto Ping, then pin the Auto Ping panel and then on the dashboard it will update with whatever server you're on. Fast search would have been doing that so should stop now.

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Now ping shows again but ping assist doesn't. when I set ping assist above 0 it just finds opponents with any ping (obviously much higher than what I set) and way outside my polygons or radius.

Seriously, this router is at a state where you should just recall it and re-sell it when it's working, currently - based on my experience and other posts in this forum - literally almost nothing works, not just by the standards you aim to set in you're promos but even by the standards of a cheap 30$ router. And on top of that, you don't even bother with publishing updates or fixes for months. This is truly a huge disrespect to your paying customers who thought they bought a working router just to end up being alpha testers for this dis-functional product. 

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Ping Assist does connect you to hosts outside your radius so that you never miss the opportunity for a good game. The way Ping Assist works is that it takes the first ping response for a host but by the nature of pings they do fluctuate. Say for example, it pings a server and gets a response of 25ms but your limit is 30ms then it will allow it, even if the server ping then goes up to 35ms.

It's a support forum so you will just see support topics/issues here, relative to the actual customer base it is within the normal range for a retail product. We realize WiFi for example isn't as good as it should be and we're working hard on that. 

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