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R - App not loaded

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I don't think I have had this many errors with anything so expensive in my life before 😂..

SO on DumaOS3 - The WIFI didnt work, eventually restarted enough that the WIFI worked but my PC didn't show as online only offline and then couldn't be added to the GeoFilter 
SO I restarted it again, then the WIFI stopped working... and then the device manager showed my PC fine but the WIFI didn't work... so I put the old software on and updated to .38 or what ever it is...

Now when I try goto GeoFliter or Device Manager it just says the R-App not loading please try again in a few minutes... to which in a few minutes the same thing happens.


I would really like this to just work... But it seems when 2 things work something else dosent... 


Ive basically got the choice... No WIFI but connects to geofilter etc or No geofilter but WIFI or WIFI And Connection but no device manager.


This is just mental how it can not work... I might have to go back to buying cheap Chinese shit of aliexpress again at least the stuff worked for a year >.<

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  • Administrators

It is the first iteration of the beta for the XR700 so issues are expected, I would ask that you try and post the feedback there so we and NG can take a look at issues. Did you factory reset after you upgraded? If not please do that first. If you did then in System Information in the Rapp panel options change the number of retries from 3 to 5 and reboot the router, see if it loads properly then.

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I tried that yah, the software i am on now is not a BETA and it still never ever works... 


Now i'm getting an error message as below on QoS


RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': ?:0: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value) -> stack traceback: ?: in function '?' ?: in function '?' ?: in function 'canonical' ?: in function <?:166> ?: in function <?:324> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:290> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:345> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:261> (tail call): ? /dumaos/api/cli.lua:48: in function </dumaos/api/cli.lua:30> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /dumaos/api/cli.lua:59: in main chunk [C]: ?



and under GeoFilter


Uncaught Unmatched device

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use both methods. Have tried both... Normally i use the Pin in the back of the router button method! 


So reset the router recently, worked fine again... Come on today, R-APP will not load. I have reverted back to .20 software due to the latest + dumaos 3.0 not allowing me to connect my WIFI devices to the unit. 


I even bought a new XR700 to try that, still same...! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Okay don't worry about that. Instead upgrade the router using the TFTP method to the same firmware and then do a factory reset. This bypasses the boot processes and any issues there to give you the freshest install possible.


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