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Xr700 with isp problems...please help

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I ask for help because I'm understanding little ... I start from the beginning: my ISP is wind with 1 gigabit fiber.
Now I have bought this netgear xr700, but inserting the SFP module in the SFP 10+ port of the xr700 does not establish the connection. I tried inserting as connection mode pppoe and the vlan with values 835.The question is therefore the following: do I necessarily need the media converter (and therefore use the yellow internet port of the xr700) or am I wrong something in the settings of the sfp, or my sfp is not supported by that port (sfp 10 +) of the router?

Please help me...
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ok,to be honest i want to use that port because so i can't eliminate the media converter....so is not possible?i don't have the connection to the modem of the isp,but to the media converter directly


Another question...on qos page,where you have device prioritization,i don t have any image on the background...only devices and the number of %..is that normal?

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Maybe this is more clear for you. 

You can see the sfp in the media converter and the ethernet in the internet port yellow of xr700. I can t elminate it?? I can t use the sfp in the sfp port of the xr700? 


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Understood thanks, when you've connected SFP to the XR700 in Internet Setup did you choose the option for this? That's normal for QoS as you only have 2 devices connected, when you add another device the image would appear behind it.

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yes for both questions: it requires pppoe and vlan settled.and i did it.but nothing.yes killhippie i did it.


my doubt is another: it can be that my sfp is not supported from the router???

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Sure  give me some minutes...no unluckly this is the first router(except isp modem dva 5592) that have a sfp port by itself.

All the other routers i ve used(xr 500,asus ax11000 and now this) the only way to work was with media converter.I put the sfp in the media converter and then i set up a pppoe connection with vlan 835.

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Vlan 835 (data)
Vlan 836 (voice)
Protocol PPPoE
PPPoE usr xxxxx
Encapsulation LLC
NAT enabled
COS data 0 (IEEE 802.1 P)
COS voice

5 (IEEE 802.1 P)

these are wind parametrers


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Sure but they are the default one for wind.No problems


By the way as you can see i set as i did for the xr500

i tried both sfp detection :auto( 10 g led and internet are always off) and dac only(where here 10 g led appears as the internet led,but they are randomly,sometimes on and sometimes off,but the connection is always down.)


2020-08-16 (1).png

2020-08-16 (2).png

2020-08-16 (3).png

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You can see on your first screenshot that it isn’t detecting the SFP+ module correctly.


I suggest looking for a different SFP model that others have used or that Netgear says is compatible. It appears to be a regular SC fiber module.


it does happen from time to time that there is compatibility issues with these SFP modules.


Also you would need to know if your ONT is simply acting as media converter or if your ISP has software on that that is required.

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What might be the issue is link speed / auto negotiation. Was just reading something about Mikrotik routers and here it was mentioned that they don’t seem to work right with most USA providers due a speed auto negotiation issue. Basicly because the Mikrotik router in question could only do 1Gbit or 10Gbit.


Most SC fiber SFP+ need a 2.5Gbit link speed. So it would depend on the XR700 if it can do 2.5 Gbit or only 1 or 10Gbit.


I know from my own Huawai ONT that it definitely operates at 2.5Gbit with SC fiber.

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