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Extremely poor speeds with netduma...

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Hi all, 

As the title suggests the speed I’m getting with the Duma is so bad i had to remove it and go back to the asus. After about an hour trying to download the patch it still 88 minutes remaining (first image). So I stopped the update and and hooked up the asus and began the download from the beginning. 30 minutes later the download is complete and I am installing...(second image). 

For anyone wondering i had disabled QOS and all solders were at 100%. No other application was using the internet at the time of the download I kicked everyone off. Does anyone have a fix for this? In it’s current state I can’t continue to use the Duma. I pay for 220 down and 30 up yet with the Duma I can’t get more than 50 down and 15 up on my wired laptop on a good day... In contrast with the asus I get 180 down 26 up constantly. 



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DumaOS, I ticked the “disable QOS” from the drop down under good “throughout”
aside from that I ticked share excess, both sliders were at 100% and they turned white so I was unable to change the value once in that state. 

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Hey dude, 

its PPPoE, the set up is the usual Modem > R1 with BT username and password. 
the best speeds are on the laptop wired. Which is ranges between 40-55 down 8-15 up sometimes I get the odd 17 up. 
wireless device in the same room as R1 usually gets around 30 down and around 10 up, wireless downstairs around 13 down 5 up. PS4 wired is the worst but that is probably a PS4 thing it can range from 2 down 2 up to 40 down 17up. 

i don’t mind the PS speed tests being inconsistent as I understand the PS4 isn’t the best device to speed test however when downloading game files it’s such a pain... One thing I will add however speed tests with the asus on PS4 down have it’s inconsistent moments but nowhere near as varied as the Duma results. Duma i rarely run back to back “similar speeds” whilst the asus can perform multiple similar results and a few not too far off ones. 
what settings would you recommend I use to bring speeds up to at lest around 80% of isp? Also is there a way to have high speeds and use R1 intended features or is that asking for too much? 
where I’m standing is if I’m going to sacrifice features of the Duma such as geo filter/QOS it’s pointless even hooking it up as asus provides basic QOS anyway.

thank you 

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Okay so it's highly likely that PPPoE is the cause here, better PPPoE support should be available in 3.0 (barring any hardware limitations of the R1). Given that then the only way I can see at the moment to get better speeds through the R1 is to have the modem (probably not possible) handle PPPoE or have another router in between modem and R1 handle PPPoE. Not the ideal solution I know but that's the option for now until potentially 3.0 can improve upon it.

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It just doesn't work well with PPPoE.


Use it together with your Asus router: Modem -> Asus (wifi off, enter PPPoE details here) -> R1 (in DMZ of Asus router) -> Devices

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1 hour ago, Bambi said:

it doesn't work well with DHCP either because I use that and it still super slow

You need to use DHCP unless you want to give all devices static IP addresses, it's different from PPPoE which is required by some ISPs to establish a connection. I've not seen you make a topic about your speed issues so if you're not using PPPoE make a new topic and we'll see if there is anything we can do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can Anyone tell me what this is Means?  When i down graded back from Firmware 2.1,  I Went back to the original,   And i just noticed this is what it shows are the bottom of the screen  Not sure  what this is?  My Speed is really bad,   If i go straight to the modem i'm getting close to 500 down,  Nomatter what i do i cant some to break 200 down,  And when i run the test in the R1 this is what i get no matter how much i play around with the sliders on the CC,  that's the best i can get it?    Should i upgrade back to 2.1?  I Heard someone say that the Xbox party chat was fixed!   That's the only reason i downgraded!    If someone can please help me with this id REALLY  REALLY Appreciate it !





Packet Loss

Good Bad Terrible No Loss 
© Netduma Software Ltd.
R1 debug version 1.03.6j running on rb-951g-2hnd .
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It's a direct test of your line, it can indicate your line is not entirely stable. It pings though so it might just be that IP to you isn't optimal. Try a wired command prompt ping test to a more local website and see what the results are.

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