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help issue low speeds

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hi there i have had my r1 one for years now.and never come across this issue. i have moved my set up from down stairs to up in my room and taken my isp,s hub up to so i am still wired. the problem i am having is i can only get around 80 meg when i have allways got the 200 on speed test.i have tested the speed on my mac wired into the hub on speed test .net on the same server and i get full speed. i carnt seem to find the problem on the r1 can anyone shed some light for me thanks 


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On 6/8/2020 at 3:28 PM, Netduma Alex said:

200 is about the limit that the R1 should be able to handle. Maybe it's maxxing out? What's the CPU/RAM usage at?

I once had virgin’ 360 meg and that’s what I got with the duma. So now on 200 but can’t get 90 meg on speed test .net. I can on my phone via WiFi and on my mac wired

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