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HELP NEEDED NO IPV6 internet - Xbox Live help

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I just got new internet setup today from switching to a broadband provider that delivers much faster speeds with fiber optic cables. I have 1 full gig of speed to work with and recently bought the XR500 and have it all set up. My issue is that when I connect to the new network and set my xbox up to it, it was not giving my NAT Type when tested or connecting to multiplayer saying that "Can't get a Teredo IP address". So I just called the provider and found out they do not support or have IPV6 at all.... so what the heck do I do here? Please help it would be appreciated. 


I just made all these changes to my internet, invested in a Nighthawk Router and now my hopes are really low if I can not even connect to Live... 

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

You do not need IPv6 to play Xbox Live so nothing to worry about there. Just to confirm, are you receiving internet on all your other devices through the XR? Is the Xbox using automatic network settings in the console settings? Have you made any changes on the router tailored for the Xbox e.g. port forwarding, added to the Geo-Filter etc.

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Thanks, I am using the XR for all of my internet and devices... I did get on and it worked ok but it is not giving me an NAT type... so I think I may need to do something with port forwarding? I do have my detailed Xbox IP address, MAC, etc handy... do I need to enter that into the port forwarding "custom services" section or something? I just want to make sure I am getting the fastest ping and that my NAT is open without having IPV6.


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What is your exact physical setup? How is the XR setup with the ISP modem/router? - Is it in modem mode or have you put the XR in its DMZ? Follow this guide for NAT and then let us know if you're still having an issue: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000076587-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-open-nat

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