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Connectivity issue while logged into cisco anyconnect VPN

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Just picked up the xr500 on Tuesday. Replaced the Verizon G1100 FiOS gateway completely.  Not having any issues so far, however when my wife and I are on our work laptops connected to VPN via cisco anyconnect, we seem to have issues with internal apps disconnecting - mostly cisco Jabber. FWIW: both laptops were assigned to the 5GHz wifi via smartconnect.

Firmware V2.3.2.56

Only changes I've made were assigning static IPs to various devices.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue, this is something we are aware of but hopefully we can resolve it. In WAN Settings make sure IGMP Proxying is unticked and SIP ALG is ticked. If it still doesn't work please disable QoS in the Anti-Bufferbloat options menu.

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Sounds good, thanks for the reply. I'll check on those settings.  Which part of that is the issue? Traffic through VPN? Just want to be clear on what the actual issue is. Thanks!

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It does seem to be traffic related to VPN's used by workers/companies that tend to be an issue for some reason - perhaps related to the protocol they're using. It's not a problem for consumer VPNs.

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Doesn't look like having just IGMP Proxying = unticked and SIP ALG = ticked worked, Jabber is still intermittently disconnecting. I've just turned disabled QoS now, we'll see how that works. By turning off that setting, is that also disabling traffic prioritization, bandwidth allocation, and anti-bufferbloat completely?  

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Doesn't look like disabling QoS is doing much, still having drops here and there.  Do you know if it's the wifi specifically causing the problem? Reason I ask, I was wondering if I could just set up the verizon g1100 has an access point, or whatever I need to set it up as, and just connect our two work laptops directly to that instead. 

I have the xr500 IP set as, and I set the g1100 as - they are connected LAN->LAN. I can log on to both operating systems and adjust settings via ethernet (xr500 -> switch->desktop PC), but the laptop connected to the g1100 wireless is not receiving internet. DHCP is disabled on the g1100.  Any ideas?


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Nevermind... nothing a good old 'reboot' wont fix, I guess. I have our work laptops connected to the 2.4ghz wifi of the g1100 to see if the VPN issues subside. 

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  • 9 months later...
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30 minutes ago, drkerberusx said:

Thank you...

I solved this by doing several steps:

disable ipv6 on my pc and then in network settings> wan> general and disable ipv6.

Well done for figuring it out and thanks for posting the solution!

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