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Xr500 geofilter issues


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Everything worked fine until last night when I denied a couple servers. Now when I start up duma I can access everything fine until I go to the geo filter tab. When I access the geo filter it crashes my chrome every time. Not sure what the issue is because like I said earlier everything was fine!



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  • 2 weeks later...

After multiple trys yes. It seems to be just a issue of the geo filter map, accessing through mobile hasn't been easy in the past but I can usually make do. On top of that my router has been rebooting itself anywhere between 2-4 times a day, I've been avoiding doing another factory reset, just due to time and because paying for a high end router that needs to be factory reset for every small issue seems to be ridiculous, but I will try doing that tonight and report back if that resolves one or both issues. Really hoping for a update for the router soon though... Too many issues keep popping up with no changes being done and only fix is to factory wipe and start all over again. 

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Okay let us know. Make sure the router is plugged directly into a wall outlet rather than an extender. We're working on 3.0 which we hope to beta soon which I'm confident you'll be much happier with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did the factory reset and the device has been doing well, reboots have gone from 2-3 times a day to 1 random reboot every 1-2 days. Still frustrating however, it's better then what it was. Only thing that has been done in making the xbox static ip.

I didn't adjust any QOS settings, let alone touch it to see if not doing anything at all would produce better QOS than allocating any type of percent, since trying this the upload speed has gone from 20-50 mbps, to 317-450 mbps. Much better but I'm confused on why I when i allocate 400 mbps it doesn't do anything other then maybe 50 mbps. Seems like this is a feature that should work.

Unfortunately, over the last few days, attempting to access the router has not been possible. I still can't access the geofilter page without chrome crashing, and now the dashboard is also producing errors. From the R-App Store there 3 Apps that show the Play button, versus the stop button, Process Manager, Settings, and Device Manager. 

I guess to list my concerns:

Why is my router still rebooting randomly?

Why is QOS counter productive, meaning why does it lower my upload speed no matter what mbps I set it to?

needing a fix for the router page, any help would be great.

Are those three R-Apps suppose to paused?


Thanks again



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That's somewhat of an improvement I guess, did you plug it directly into a wall outlet?

When you say allocate are you referring to Bandwidth Allocation? If so then if you have share excess on then other devices can get more bandwidth if a device isn't using all their allocated bandwidth. Disable share excess and this won't happen, it will just allow the bandwidth it has been given. Have you also put in the speeds you expect in the Anti-Bufferbloat three line option menu?

Go on each of the pages of the router and click any pin icons that are fully white, that should resolve the dashboard issue, then you should be able to repin them if you want to. It may also help you access the Geo-Filter but on the R-App panel options in System Information change the number of retries from 3 to 5. Don't worry about what that panel says otherwise, it's not active at the moment.

I couldn't say why it reboots randomly, it could be power variations or simply that the hardware is faulty.

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I have always plugged it directly to outlet, its not losing power. The internet light turns offs, then after about 30 seconds, router fully reboots. no rhyme or reason, and not happening at a specific time either. I brought up a issue some time ago about NTP time server issues and the router page saying failed to sync, searching google there seems to be multiple people with issues similar to mine, ( https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Routers-with-WiFi-6-AX/RAX80-time-sync-with-NTP-server-and-gaming/td-p/1856887)

I'm wondering if because of the ntp failing to sync correctly, if it's causing something/R-Apps to crash, then forcing a reboot. my modem (which sit right next to it) doesn't lose internet or reboot, just the router. I haven't been able to remove the geo-filter pin due to the inability to access the geo filter page, each time i attempt to access from desktop chrome or edge, or mobile chrome, the page crashes. could this be a cause?

I did just reboot my router, unplugged for a minute and am letting things boot back up, I'll see if anything changes. Is there a way to force the router to keep the logs after a reboot? they always seem to clear out once it boots back up.

I don't believe i'm going to try and mess with anything on the QOS page... I've attempted to uncheck the share excess, however it's never changed the bandwidth allocation issues, after this factory reset (5 within the last year i believe) the upload is not terrible. The only difference is I haven't touched anything on that page other then to disable all QOS settings and buffer bloat.

Which is unfortunate, because using any of the options outside of geo-filter (which latency increases on .56, downgrading to .40 and testing the router has anywhere between 13ms-30ms and averages around 24ms. .56 update i have yet to see anything below 32ms) causes router breaking issues which to fix is factory resetting. Which sucks, because I don't have any increase in wired gaming performance or connection from my r7000, which in fact gets lower latency then XR500. Makes it feel like I just bought a expensive gaming router for the design and no performance improvements, or being told to disable all the functions because they don't work on gigabit fiber. 


2020-03-18 (3).png

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After the reboot, i can now finally access geofilter, unpinned it from the geo filter page. After unpinning it, the page crashed but i'm no longer receiving errors on dashboard. After the reboot, settings and process manager are still showing paused, device manager is now a square symbol, assuming that means it actually running. Why would the other two be paused/stopped?


I set up my logs to be emailed, hopefully this will help diagnose whats happening. 


2020-03-18 (4).png

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That NTP issue seems to affect some other NG routers but I've never seen it on the XR routers or seen any entries in the log other than when it boots up so I don't think that would be the cause. If you suspect it is the NTP server then try selecting a different server other than the Netgear default and see if there is any difference.

The R-Apps are built to be standalone so therefore if one fails completely it won't take down the whole router so I don't think that is it. There is no way to keep the logs after a reboot, the email log sending could be helpful but you're unlikely to get a full picture just before a reboot. It is unlikely just changing the firmware would cause an increase in ping, there must be a setting that has been adjusted - are you saying if you were to switch back and forth now that ping difference would still be present? - How are you measuring the ping each time?

The Installed R-App panel doesn't mean anything at the moment, it is not active, if the process manager was truly paused then nothing would work at all. Do you use an Anti-Virus or adblock at all? Do you use PPPoE or IPv6?

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  On 3/18/2020 at 11:38 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

That NTP issue seems to affect some other NG routers but I've never seen it on the XR routers or seen any entries in the log other than when it boots up so I don't think that would be the cause. If you suspect it is the NTP server then try selecting a different server other than the Netgear default and see if there is any difference.

The R-Apps are built to be standalone so therefore if one fails completely it won't take down the whole router so I don't think that is it. There is no way to keep the logs after a reboot, the email log sending could be helpful but you're unlikely to get a full picture just before a reboot. It is unlikely just changing the firmware would cause an increase in ping, there must be a setting that has been adjusted - are you saying if you were to switch back and forth now that ping difference would still be present? - How are you measuring the ping each time?

The Installed R-App panel doesn't mean anything at the moment, it is not active, if the process manager was truly paused then nothing would work at all. Do you use an Anti-Virus or adblock at all? Do you use PPPoE or IPv6?


Sent you a direct message with some logs and responses,  didn't want to post logs here because of the ip address showing

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my DHCP lease time on my modem is set to 24 hours, however  my lease obtain time is set to 10 minutes though, I don't see a way to adjust this or if that's recommended and the the connected messages shows up every 5 minutes versus 10 minutes. but from the modem side everything looks correct. Any idea why that would be happening?






2020-03-19 (2).png

2020-03-19 (3).png

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That is very strange, makes sense now regarding your logs. If you click release then renew do you get a longer lease? Do you use PPPoE/login for the Internet in Internet Setup by any chance? If so change it to always connect and that should solve it.

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[DumaOS] skiped spike rtt: 12.121 last_rtt: 49.453, Thursday, March 19, 2020 20:07:24
[DumaOS] skiped spike rtt: 49.453 last_rtt: 12.183, Thursday, March 19, 2020 20:07:23


Did a complete wipe of my modem, and just ran a few games, upload is acting weird again and the internet connected is still happening attached another piece of the logs and some screenshots of the auto ping status 






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  On 3/19/2020 at 10:59 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

That is very strange, makes sense now regarding your logs. If you click release then renew do you get a longer lease? Do you use PPPoE/login for the Internet in Internet Setup by any chance? If so change it to always connect and that should solve it.


Attempted release/renew no change, not using PPPoE, on U-Verse Gigapower, using 5268AC and just completed a factory reset, manual restore of firmware, factory reset again to rule out something on that end. I haven't found any way to adjust the lease time anywhere.

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The auto ping looks fine, doesn't see anything wrong there. Do you have devices connected to the Pace? You have it being used as a router essentially which is giving the XR a lease time as well as potentially causing a double NAT. As far as I am aware it doesn't have a modem or bridge mode so what I would suggest is this:

On the PACE
Give the XR500 a Static/Reserved IP address - use the same one as it has now
Disable DHCP server
Enable DMZPlus using the XR500 IP
Disable WiFi
Disable UPnP/Port forwarding

That should then hopefully resolve the internet issues you're seeing on the XR, as well as ensuring you have an open NAT and that all devices can be controlled by the XR.

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  On 3/18/2020 at 11:38 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

That NTP issue seems to affect some other NG routers but I've never seen it on the XR routers or seen any entries in the log other than when it boots up so I don't think that would be the cause. If you suspect it is the NTP server then try selecting a different server other than the Netgear default and see if there is any difference.

The R-Apps are built to be standalone so therefore if one fails completely it won't take down the whole router so I don't think that is it. There is no way to keep the logs after a reboot, the email log sending could be helpful but you're unlikely to get a full picture just before a reboot. It is unlikely just changing the firmware would cause an increase in ping, there must be a setting that has been adjusted - are you saying if you were to switch back and forth now that ping difference would still be present? click here for the link - How are you measuring the ping each time?

The Installed R-App panel doesn't mean anything at the moment, it is not active, if the process manager was truly paused then nothing would work at all. Do you use an Anti-Virus or adblock at all? Do you use PPPoE or IPv6?


How do you set up DumaOS ??? And What is the best setting for Netgear router for performance?

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  On 3/21/2020 at 4:57 PM, OliviaGardiner said:

How do you set up DumaOS ??? And What is the best setting for Netgear router for performance?


Hey, welcome to the forum!

I'd suggest taking a look at our optimal settings guides here: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/folders/16000090646

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  On 3/21/2020 at 1:53 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

The auto ping looks fine, doesn't see anything wrong there. Do you have devices connected to the Pace? You have it being used as a router essentially which is giving the XR a lease time as well as potentially causing a double NAT. As far as I am aware it doesn't have a modem or bridge mode so what I would suggest is this:

On the PACE
Give the XR500 a Static/Reserved IP address - use the same one as it has now
Disable DHCP server
Enable DMZPlus using the XR500 IP
Disable WiFi
Disable UPnP/Port forwarding

That should then hopefully resolve the internet issues you're seeing on the XR, as well as ensuring you have an open NAT and that all devices can be controlled by the XR.


Latest update on the Pace doesn't allow disabling of UPnP, no devices connected to the Pace other than the XR, and I already did the DHCP wifi and DMZ, always have. Also with the DMZ plus it assigns the public IP from the modem, my Nat is always open, and but I'm getting large amounts of packet loss when the lease renewal, or looking at the log and playing, roughly on the dot with the 5 minutes internet connected. Even though the lease renew time is set to 10 minutes. How do I fix that?

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