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Completely Disable Bandwidth Allocation

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In the bandwidth allocation section,click on the lines on the left side and make sure the share bandwidth box is checked,but you have to check it for download and upload as they are independently shared...hope this helps as theres no way to truly disable bandwidth allocation,however the bandwidth will go to all devices that needs it,not just use what is assigned

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2 minutes ago, RaWxDeaL said:

In the bandwidth allocation section,click on the lines on the left side and make sure the share bandwidth box is checked,but you have to check it for download and upload as they are independently shared...hope this helps as theres no way to truly disable bandwidth allocation,however the bandwidth will go to all devices that needs it,not just use what is assigned

The share bandwidth box is already selected but it still limits all bandwidth to 20mbps, if I use my modems built in module over 200 feet away I still receive between 180 and 230 mbps on all devices. when the XR500 sets all devices to a fraction of this at all times

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1 minute ago, RaWxDeaL said:

What is your upload and download set to in QOS?

242 Download, 12 Upload, though I have tried with setiings as high as 1000 down and up with no change in performance


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7 minutes ago, kurtstir said:

242 Download, 12 Upload, though I have tried with setiings as high as 1000 down and up with no change in performance


Thats weird.....i would try disabling qos yhen do a speedtest and set your qos to those speeds or redo the setup configuration and let the xr500 detect your internet speed automatically then reboot. And if that doesnt help,perhaps a factory reset.

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As mentioned by RaWxDeaL, Try disabling QOS with it being unchecked in the bandwidth settings and also leave Throughput checked.
I would say factory reset and then do as I stated above immediately after the factory reset. Of course, this is the last resort option.

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There's no need to bump two times in an hour.

The anti-bufferbloat side menu contains an option to disable QoS completely. This would be a good starting point, enabling you to figure out whether or not a QoS feature is what's causing your issues.

In theory, Bandwidth allocation shouldn't affect speeds unless you prioritize the device you're testing from. Share excess stops devices being needlessly limited when there is little traffic on the network.

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