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cant find games


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  • Administrators

That's a MS Azure server so definitely need to allow that. Once allowed did you disconnect from the Xbox network to allow it to allow properly? Exit the network and wait two minutes after allowing and then try again when in filtering mode.

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i just try it same thing

theres another one the keeps showing up by south Africa in the water

can i open a port or anything i have tried with upnp on off i have open ports

im thinking factory rest but i really dont want to

wtf now im getting terdeo is unable to qualify


i have no clue very frustrating

when i make geo big or in spectating mode it works 

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same thing but the name will appear i factory restored router run test in xbox app fine run it in setting say teredo block server connectivity block run again says open close run blocked run again open now im really lost lol dont know how u guys do this for a living time consuming and frustrating if anyone has any suggestions i would love to hear from ya 

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  • Administrators

No that's not it, it's already been shown that it's the Geo-Filter/those specific servers that are causing it. When you've clicked allow has the icon for the server changed at all? There may be several in that one location that you need to allow before it will work fully as servers tend to cluster in a location.

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